Astoria Greengrass

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"Concentrate, Hazel." Elisabeth said.

There was a big sigh of frustration. "I know."

A book flew across the room and exploded.

Elisabeth frowned. "Your wand movement is incorrect. Look at how I do it." She flicked her hand at another book which was lying innocently on the wooden floor. She muttered a spell under her breath and it flew across the room to the box they were aiming for, doing a few backflips in the process. "See, it's easy."

Hazel groaned. "Why can't they extend the O.W.L.a examination?"

"No idea, try it again. Third times the charm."

The book Hazel was controlling flew out of the window and transformed into a million of ants.


"Can we take the O.W.L.s off our shoulders for once please?" The Potter said. "It's Christmas soon, do you want to join me at my place?"

"Sure, if my father agrees." Elisabeth replied. "I'm going to write to him." She pointed at her desk, which was piled with books and parchments.


Christmas is coming soon, I was wondering if I could spend it and my friend's? But if you want me to spend Easter with you I can always join you. Please write back as soon as possible.
Your daughter,

P.S. Please don't overwork, take care of yourself, reminder to eat your pills

Elisabeth had never told anyone that her mother, Astoria Greengrass, or Astoria Malfoy had passed away 10 years ago, coincidentally on Easter.

10 years ago, Easter morning

Astoria was decorating the Malfoy Manor's garden, levitating chocolate eggs around the grass, half hidden in the bushes, for a game of egg hunting for her dear 5 year d Elisabeth. She had made sure to decorate most of the chocolate eggs green and brown, Elisabeth's favourite mixture of colours.

Astoria pushed her long silky hair behind her shoulders as she placed the biggest chocolate egg out of the bunch in the berry bushes. Then she heard rustling from behind. She turned around towards the noise, it was somewhere in the forest at the back of the manor, there were only greenery and wood, but no sight of any living animal, perhaps a tree branch fell to the bushes? Astoria raised her wand to her front and pointed towards the woods, slowly backing up to the manor.

Then, the bad, perhaps the worst thing that could've happened, happened. An unmistakably looking werewolf jumped out of its hiding spot from the tree and attacked Astoria, who's reactions weren't quick enough to send a curse. It bit her on the neck just as Draco emerged from the manor and sent the werewolf a curse. Astoria was sent to St. Mungo's and their Easter activity had been cancelled. Though she didn't transform into a werewolf, she had died later from poison as the werewolf had bitten a highly toxic creature before attacking her.

Draco was in tears as he told the 5 year old Elisabeth the news. Of course, she was too young to understand back then. So whenever Elisabeth asked her mother's whereabouts, Draco would simply say that she had 'gone on a holiday'.

Now that Elisabeth was matured and older, it was heartbreaking to her that she had never given her mother a proper goodbye before her departure. Her father had even blamed himself for his wife's death, it had struck him hard in the heart that he suffered deep depression and had not been able to heal. Elisabeth knew he would overwork to distract himself from thinking of her mother, it was Elisabeth's job now to take care of his father mentally. Since then, Elisabeth had some kind of hatred towards werewolves.

Elisabeth sealed the letter with black wax and handed the letter to the school owl in the owlery.

"Take this to Draco Malfoy, you know him, I've used you to send my letter to him a few times." Elisabeth told the eagle owl.

It nodded in response and took off immediately. She leaned on the stool of the window and watched as the owl became smaller and smaller as it headed towards the Malfoy Manor.

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