26. Pikin

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She thought I would take her away, am not heartless to that extent, yes I was super thrilled to find out I had a daughter but am not selfish to that extent, I care about Azra to even think of taking her daughter away. In fact she almost ruined my surprise, I almost told her everything and in order to avoid that I had to cut my visit short yesterday. Ra and this small Pikin are the best things that could have happened to me
Am driving on my way to her so we can go to campus together, our lectures on Tuesday begin the afternoon but I want to surprise her before that. As am about to knock on their door, I almost knock on Allan's head, he has grown more than I  last saw him. "Hey Ray! is that really you. Long time man" he greets me, "it sure is me, how have you been", I say as I knock shoulders with him. "I would love to chat with you but I got to run, am getting late, hope to see you around soon " he dashes off at lightening speed. "See you " I say to him. Mrs Falls ushers me in and invites me to join in for breakfast. I know she won't take no for an answer so I just follow suit even though I had something light at home. Mr. Falls is enjoying his juice and a newspaper in the other hand. Typical happy family setting, I admire the Falls and wish to have a family like this that sits and enjoys meals together, contrary to mine where we spend ages without seeing each other. At the moment, my mum is in Paris on a business trip.
I bounce back to reality and greet Mr Falls, "pleasure to see you again son, please sit and join us for breakfast " he replies. "Thank you sir" I reply but my eyes are searching everywhere for Ra and Christa. "Relax son, Az will be down shortly with Christa. Those two enjoy their sleep but they will be down shortly."  Mrs Falls assures me.
"Enjoy your breakfast Ray and when you get time we need to have a chat" Mr Falls picks up his briefcase ready to go.
"Mum! I can't find any of my black puffholders, do you know.... " her complaining stops midway when she sees me. She's carrying Christa too
"Ray your already here!!"
"Dada" Christa flees from her and comes running to me. Mr Falls kisses his wife good bye then his daughter and lifts Christa briefly from me greets her, and hands her back. He taps on my shoulder and says "see you around son". "Have a wonderful day at work Mr Falls" I reply and he complains that his granddaughter has chucked him.
"Bye papi" she says waving her tiny hands. I wonder where she gets these names, she's got has a wonderful sense of humor already.
"When did you get here?" Azra asks me.
"A few minutes back". I say to her as I tickle my Pikin. Pikin is an West African word meaning child. I found it amusing and lovely that it was the first thing that came to my mind when I saw Christa
"Why don't we talk as we have breakfast, I don't want my pancakes to cool down." Azra's mum complains . She tries to take away Azra from me to feed her but she tightly holds onto my shirt, so her granny gives up. "I hope you will be able to feed her the cornflakes now that she's glued to you"
"I will try my best " I say as Azra hands me her bowl. Azra is quiet all this time simply looking at us as she enjoys her egg pancakes, cookies and butter toast. "say something Azra, you are awfully quiet, your stares are about to pierce through me" I say to her.
"It's a lovely moment seeing you two bond, I rather watch it more than commenting on it." she defends her silence. Her mum simply smiles too. Christa is seated on my lap slowly enjoying the spoonfuls of her dunked cornflakes. " Careful Ray, don't push in the spoons too fast in her mouth, allow her some breathing time or else she will bring back the food" Azra warns. "Sorry" I reply.
"Sowi" Christa mimicks me and we all burst out laughing. I could get used to having breakfast like this. We finish our breakfast, say our goodbyes and head for the road. I will miss my Pikin.
Azra in the car is on phone with Leah and their jazz doesn't look like it will end soon. It's an hours drive from our hometown to the University and am not ready to see it wasted when she's on the phone yet they will have all the time to catch up. Like as if that's not bad enough, her call with Leah is interrupted from her boss at the orphanage. She spends the next 20 minutes talking about some drafts for given program. when she gets off the phone she looks so worn out, I turn on the mp3 player and play for her that song that she loves alot: I wanna know what love is. The original version is by foreigner but she loves it in either Mariah Carey's version or the reggae version by lucky dude. When it starts playing she smiles at me and closes her eyes to relax. It's her stress reliever song. By the time she's listening to her favorite songs, we're almost in the surroundings of the campus.
"Ummmmmm, Azra don't freak out but I want to show you something before we head to campus." I remember to tell her such that she doesn't think it's another kidnap.
"Actually I was about to cause am not familiar with this route." she responds.
"You sure you're not scared?", I tease her.
" I would but then if you kidnap me, it's you to be burdened rescuing me. Speaking of rescue I didn't get to thank you and Kevin and your crew, I should treat you guys to something to show my appreciation." she says brightening up with excitement. "What do you think?"
"I don't know about others, but for me your about to thank me."  I say parking in front of some apartments.
"What's that supposed to mean Mr. Fisher?". "Just follow me" I say to her

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