love making bet

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You sat there astonished as the TV said that "Donald J. Trump  was the 45th president of the United Sates of  America". You almost fainted,  you were angry, you heard Kai say "Babe you alright your eyes look weird" you ran to yours and Kai's bedroom and looked into the mirror and saw your eyes were red "the Reality Stone" you muttered under your breath.

 "What is the Reality Stone baby?" you saw Kai in the doorway an looked in fear "NOTHING!!!" you said to him making him jump "sorry babe" you spoke softly. He came up to you and softly kissed your neck "wah you think I would forget about our bet my queen?" you suddenly remember that the bet he was talking about......was the one you made up the night before. HE.....WAS.....HORNYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY

5 hours later 

"Babe i have to tell you something but can I tell you tomorrow"

 "Sure my queen

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