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Song | Heaven and back - Chase Atlantic
To my best friend who said this radiates daddy issues, respectfully fuck you <3 I love you still though <3

I loved to watch her play,
She always looked like a fucking angel.
The faint smile she tried to hide as her fingers moved over the keys,
Her dimples that appeared as she reached a particularly fast part.
Those were always her favourite.
She would get lost in the fast pace of the music,
Briefly forgetting where she was for a while.
That's what it was for her,
A distraction.
A way to escape her reality.
It was the look in her eyes as she finished and that distraction ended that always killed me.
Her lips tipped down in a frown and her eyes lost their light,
But she always played because she loved to be free for those few moments.
She taught me that sometimes the pain is worth the pleasure after all,
So even though lost myself in the end,
The devil fell for the angel.


I know this piece is a little different, but I wanted to talk about how I use distractions. It's something that comes naturally to me now, after something happens I'll use things, often books, to distract myself from what's happening, and afterwards it all comes back. But to me that peace and the good I feel is worth the pain of coming back to reality.

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