the great journey to school

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Ava's alarm clock had been ringing for the past 40 minutes, and she still hadn't woken up. Finally, she managed to open her eyes. It wasn't even her alarm that had finally managed to bring her back to consciousness. It was her phone, sounding like it was going to blow up the world that ripped her out of her coma. Ok, that doesn't really make sense because no phone is all that loud, but she was woken by it, so give her a break. Ava groaned and turned over, trying to block out the sound of the stupid phone. By that point though she was awake, and sadly had no hope of being able to go back to dreamland, a world free of the annoyances of dreaded school. Picking up her phone, her sleep-addled head managed to figure out that it was Noi who had called her at this ungodly hour in the morning.

"Screw you," Ava mumbled into the phone as she picked up.

"Is that the way you greet your favorite brother?" Noi responded, and Ava could hear the laughter in his voice.

"You're my least favorite brother right now. Why the heck did you wake me up," she whined. "I need my sleep!"

"I'm your only brother," Noi exclaimed indignantly. "And I knew you were still asleep but it's the first day of school, you idiot. Did you forget?" Ava froze, before hanging up and jumping out of bed to get ready, leaving Noi hanging on the other side of the line, much to his amusement.

It only took Ava 30 minutes to get out of the house and that's with skipping breakfast. Yippee, what a great start to the day. Sadly, there was no bus, and she didn't have a driver's license, so that left her with the very best option (that was sarcasm by the way) - walking! Ava managed to walk 3 blocks before getting the urge to bang her head on a nearby wall. Just as she was about to do just that, Noi showed up, looking happy. How the heck is he happy?! It's something o'clock in the morning, and they were heading to school! Goddamn school. Are you kidding me!?!

"You look like you just crawled out of a coffin," was the first thing her dear brother said to her face, grinning even more when Ava responded with a rude gesture.

"How the hell do you look so bright and cheerful so damn early in the morning!" she yelled, banging her head against a building. (see, she actually did it)

"It's called talent. It runs in the family, although I think it skipped over you," Noi grinned before jogging off down the street with Ava cursing after him.

As they arrived Ava got more and more nervous, starting to slow down trying to prolong the moments before she got to school. Noi glanced at her worriedly, knowing what she was thinking about.

"Hey, don't worry so much," he bumped their shoulders together, giving her a tight smile. When the building came into view, Noi whispered, "You got us now," and he squeezed her hand quickly before letting go (entirely platonic, you idiots. They're Siblings for heaven's sake) Soon enough the building came into view. The more Ava looked at it, the more it appeared to be like a prison, or a personal hell, built just for her. (Seriously though, what is up with the depressing school building designs?) She took a deep breath, mumbling to herself, "come on Ava, you got this. You got your idiot boys this time.' before speeding up to join Noi as he walked into school/prison.

Finding her locker quickly, Ava focused on putting her stuff away and running to class. Sadly, her plan didn't work, as Steve, one of the biggest jerks in the school, walked up and stood there staring straight at her 'Ignore him. Ignore him. Ignore him.' she repeated in her head, while grabbing her English books, and turning away.

"Aw, ignoring me today, aren't you," Steve said in a mocking voice. "That's not very nice. I just wanted to say hello. C'mon, don't give me the cold shoulder," He put his hand on her arm to stop her from walking further away, causing her to yank herself free.

"I'm starting to think you don't like me," Steve pouted, moving closer to her and then he got his feet all tangled, tripped and fell.

"Move you jerk," A certain Mr. tall guy said, glaring at the idiot on the floor. "C'mon Ava, it's time for class," He led her away, turning back to glare at Steve again, giving him the chills.

"Thanks Pierce," Ava sighed, now even more annoyed that this was how her school day had started. "He's such an asshole,"

"You can say that again," Pierce scowled, leaning on a wall and glaring at the floor thinking of 80 different ways to pummel Steve. "Have you seen Noi? He left the house early this morning before I woke up,"

"Really? He met me on the way to school, but I don't know where he could've been before that. Does he always wake up this early?" Ava raised an eyebrow. This was news for her. "Do you think he could've met up with a certain someone?" she grinned, Pierce's smirk mirroring her own. "Maybe that was why he was so cheery,"

"Hey guys," someone called, walking towards them.

"Kane! We were just sorta talking about you!" Ava said, trying to hide her smile.

"Should I be worried?" Kane tilted his head, looking confused.


"What? No!" Ava gasped, hitting Pierce's arm lightly. "It was only good things, I promise," she tried to look as serious as she could, failing miserably.

"I see. I'm definitely not concerned about my safety at all," Kane deadpanned. "Ignoring that, what class do you guys have first? I have English,"

"Same, let's walk there together," Ava said, happy that she had someone to accompany her.

"I have history first, I'll see you guys later," Pierce sighed.

"Have fun!" Kane grinned at him, obviously teasing. Pierce scowled and walked in the opposite direction. Just then Principal Degger walked down the hall, coming straight to the two of them.

"Ava, just the student I wanted to see!" the principal grinned at her, amusement in his eyes as she sighed in response. "Sorry Kane, but I need her in my office at the moment," Mr Degger sighed, looking apologetically at the boy.

"Alright, I'll save you a seat Ava" Kane waved and headed off to class. As soon as he was out of sight Ava turned to glare at her uncle. (In case you didn't catch it, he's the principal. Dang, she has family in high places)

"It's the first day of school! What could you possibly need?"

"You know, it sorta sounds like you aren't happy to see me," the principal said, grinning at her.

"Would you believe that you're the second person to say that to me in the last 10 minutes," Ava sighed, crossing her arms. "Alright, it's great to see you. What do you want?"

"I'm so glad you asked! There are some new kids, and I need someone to help show them around, and I thought-"

"To ask your socially messed up niece to do it?"


"What is wrong with you!" Ava banged her head against the wall once again (dang, this sounds familiar) before turning back to her uncle who was looking at her unimpressed. "Let me rephrase, what in Irene's name made you ask me?"

"It would be good for you to socialise more, I need someone to do it, and you get to miss a class! It's really a win-win situation,"
Ava resisted banging her head again (it actually really hurt) and sighed, knowing there was no way out of it.

"Alright, but only if you promise to buy me more cinnamon buns. I ran out of cash and I don't get my allowance until next week,"

"Deal," he replied instantly, smirking in victory. Ava resisted the urge to sigh again. Just what had she gotten herself into?

ayo, it's me, an older and definitely more mature version of past me! instead of just being obsessed with just Minecraft, im obsessed with Minecraft and dragons! definite upgrade. in case you haven't noticed, I, the most fantastic author, am rewriting my old au, because to put it nicely, it fucking sucked. but since I am a sap, I am not getting rid of the old one. honestly, this is just a test. like I have more chapters written out for this, but it's only if I get  like one positive review. I know, my standards are really high, but it takes a lot of work to write a story, and keep the motivation to keep writing. 

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