an unsolved mystery

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The rest of the day passed by quickly, although sadly the same could not be said for the rest of the week. Ava didn't think she had experienced a longer week in her life. She said the same thing for the next week, and the next. Really the only good thing was that she was able to see her (three) friends and hang out with her brother. Honestly, the rest of it was hell. Ok, that's not completely true, there was one other ok thing. Somewhere along the way Rhys and Leif had started to integrate into their small, tight knit group. It was pretty impressive really, Ava and the others really weren't into the idea of people or socialization, so this was a pretty big feat.

Towards the end of the first month of school, she could say that she was really starting to know and understand the two boys. Rhys was the quieter type, genius and definitely a stuck know it all. He was also very polite, and underneath everything he was a sweetie who had an obsession with ice cream. Honestly, Ava had taken an instant liking to him. Leif was a whole different story. The boy was a puzzle, and when you think you finally figured him out he took you for another curveball. Ava had taken this as a personal challenge, and was determined to figure him out. She wasn't making much progress at the moment, but she is positive she'll get there. No one can be that complicated, right?

It was a boring Tuesday when she first noticed something was off. This morning Pierce had been the one to give her a wake up call, being a lot nicer than Noi could ever hope to be. (suck it, brotha) so the day had started off pretty nice, all things considered. She had a cinnamon bun for breakfast, (her uncle kept his side of the deal,) and got to school on time. It was during break as the small group was hanging out in their area that things started to go down hill.

Steve had decided that it would be the perfect time to barge into their down time, and ruin the peaceful atmosphere. Jerk. He walked up and put on a big smile.

"Hey guys!" the idiot said loudly in a mocking voice. Through her annoyance Ava could see the way that Leif jumped at the loud noise, but pushed that thought aside in favor of dealing with a bitch.

"Ah, look who it is! My favorite person," Ava returned the smile, making her smile even wider. "I definitely don't want to burn you to ashes,"
Asch lit up at the thought.

"I have a lighter! Kane can hide the body, he's really good at that," Kane nodded, agreeing with the plan. Steve frowned, glaring at them all.

"I can get you all expelled and arrested for that," he scowled, crossing his arms. "Your stupid threats won't scare me,"
'Did this bitch forget my dad is the mayor? And the principal is my uncle? He can't do shit.' Ava facepalmed mentally as Pierce got up taking a step towards the intruder and Asch took out his lighter. Steve instantly paled and flipped them off before running back towards the school.

"What was he trying to accomplish?" Rhys mused. Rhaul snorted in response.

"You'd think by now he would know that we don't threaten, we promise,"


Well wasn't that just a great way to ruin the day! Ava was tempted to slam her head into a wall, and then slam Steve's head into a wall. Repeatedly. On another note, Ava would like to mention that she would describe herself as an observant person. She could tell that Kane definitely had a crush on her brother, she could tell when Pierce was getting uncomfortable and anxious, and she could tell when Rhaul was starting to spiral into his thoughts. Hell, she even knows when Asch is about to go pyromaniac and drag him outside to get his anger out.

So yeah, Ava would definitely describe herself as observant. (or it could just be that she is a good friend, but you know, self confidence issues. Totally don't relate) so when she was sitting next to Leif in Spanish class, she could definitely tell that something was off. Like the way he kept glancing around every couple minutes, or the way he would flinch when someone called his name, like he was scared something was going to happen.

Ava would be lying if she said she wasn't worried. And Ava is not a liar. (most of the time.) So yeah, she was worried. Ava wanted to confront him, but something was telling her that might not be the best idea. (read; smartest) As she was watching him, she started to think about other strange behaviors that Leif had shown throughout the time she had known him. The first day of school when Rhys touched him and he looked terrified. Or just a couple hours ago when Steve had yelled, the way his body instantly tensed and froze. There were many other instances like that, that came to Ava's mind. Now, Ava did not like to assume things, but the more she thought about the more she didn't like the ideas that were intruding her thoughts. Pursing her lips she turned back to the teacher when she realized she was staring. Honestly, she didn't know what to do with this information. Ava wasn't an expert, but she definitely wasn't inexperienced. As much as she hated the thought, she knew that most, if not all, people in their group had some trauma and shit. But she didn't know Leif as much as she knew her other boys, and didn't know how his mind worked (yet). She needed to talk to someone who did. At the moment Ava decided to push her worries to the back of her head, hoping that she'll find an answer to her issues. Instead she decided to try and decipher out what gibberish the teacher was saying, yeah that seemed like something interesting to do.

As soon as class was over she met up with Pierce and Noi, who were coming over to her place to hang out, as her parents were out at work. Stopping at the cafe on the way, they bought a bunch of pints of ice cream to eat while they do their homework and be depressed teens. Lo and behold, guess who was at the cafe? That's right, it was Kane! (you obviously knew that right? It was so obvious) Well, that was great, because even though they entered the cafe as a trio, they left as a duo, because one of them decided to stay and hang out with their "friend".

(Cough, Noi, cough.)

That was fine with Ava though. That meant more ice cream for her and Pierce.
(so we're gonna fast forward the whole homework ideal, because that boring as shit -_-)
"Pierce," Ava murmured as they both sat on the floor intently watching the tv.

"Hmm?" he answered, not even glancing away from the show.
"What if," Ava paused, trying to find the right words. "What if you know something is wrong with a friend, what would you do?" she kept her face forward, not looking to see Pierce's reaction. He frowned, understanding the seriousness undertone of the question.

"It would matter what was wrong. And who you're talking about,"
Ava nodded, agreeing with him.

"What if it was something really bad, something that is hurting them, and you don't know them well enough to know how to react," At this point neither of them were really paying anymore attention to the tv. A heavy aura surrounded them, as both were sadly familiar with tough situations.

"Try to help them. Be there for them and let them know that your heart is open. It worked for me after all," 

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