interesting Assholes

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The walk to the principal's office felt like the longest journey she had ever taken in her life (and she had gone to London with her dads before). In reality, the walk was less than a minute, but with all the people looking at her, and all the rumors that were bound to start, (stupid rumors, but rumors no less) it was safe to say, that Ava was not thrilled. When they arrived at long last, there were two boys waiting outside the door clearly looking as uncomfortable as Ava felt. (so Ava could definitely relate) Principal Degger ushered the three of them inside before closing the door behind them. (isn't this how all horror movies start?)

"Leif, Rhys, welcome to Mystreet High School! This is Ava, a junior, who will be showing you around today," he made jazz hands towards her, and Ava felt like she wanted to walk out the door and never come back.
"You have about 40 minutes for the tour, and then Ava will show you your next class," Principal Degger said enthusiastically. "Now hurry up, I don't want to waste all your time," practically shoving them out the door. (what was the point of going inside in the first place? It was literally less than a minute. Maybe it makes the big guy think he's important) Principal Degger closed the door behind, leaving them standing in the hallway awkwardly. The brunette opened his mouth to say something, but Ava beat him to it.

"Yes, he is always like that. And, no, I don't know why. Trust me, I don't want to be here either. Now which one of you is which?"

"And how is that any of your business?" the white haired boy snapped.

"Because I'm supposed to be giving you a tour, and knowing your names would be rather helpful. But if you don't want to tell me, that's your choice," she turned and started walking down the hall, not waiting to see if the boys were following.

"Although for simplicity's sake, I'm calling brown hair Leif and Mr. White hair over here, Rhys. No, you don't get a choice in the matter," she kept moving down the hall ignoring the confused looks she was getting from the other students still lingering in the halls. Honestly, Ava was beginning to wonder if the cinnamon buns were even worth the trouble.

After quickly showing the boys around, Ava was beginning to wonder if she could just ditch them without showing them to their class. 'No Ava, that would just be proving all the stupid rumors about you. It'll be over soon, you got this!' (ok, why was the voice in her head sounding more and more like Noi? She really didn't want to have to deal with having her brother giving her advice all the time.)

"You done looking like an idiot yet," the non-confirmed Rhys drawled, causing the brunette to punch his side lightly. Ava rolled her eyes, discreetly taking note of how white haired guy winced, before asking them for their schedules, which the non-confirmed Leif provided.

"Alright, so both of you guys have science next, sucks to be you, and it's right down this hall to the right. It's the door with the cracked handle," she pointed out the directions, before handing back the schedule and promptly turning around to leave. She had only taken 3 steps before she heard a soft voice;

"My name is Leif,"
Ava turned quickly, only to see the white haired guy turning the corner.

"Gosh dang it! I had a 50/50 chance," We all know you suck at names Ava, don't lie to yourself. (ok, there was no way that wasn't Noi. Suddenly Ava was in the mood to punch him, and hard.) sighing to herself (dang, she's been doing that a lot lately) Ava headed off in the direction of her own class, which was Math.
Walking into the classroom, most of the seats were already filled, with only a couple still open. Luckily Asch had saved her a seat, which she was able to get to without a fuss. Giving him a small smile in thanks, she settled down ready and excited to listen to why x=73+7 for the next 45 minutes. (Ava sarcastic? never.)

After hell was over, the two of them decided to share notes and see what Satan had gone over in the lesson. (what? Were they actually supposed to be paying attention the whole time?)

"When did she say that!" Asch grumbled, seriously debating if it was worth juvy to burn down the school.

"I think during your third nap, no wait actually I think it was the second one," Ava frowned, unable to really remember when or even if, that was said. "Or maybe I fell asleep and had a dream about it and wrote it down,"

"This school is dumb. Dumb as hell," Asch closed his eyes and took a deep breath, reminding himself for the 8th time that there was no Mr. Socky in prison, which would not work. "Which class do you have now?"


"Same! Maybe I can take another nap, cause this school stuff is exhausting," He shook his hair out of his eyes, while reaching for his bag. Ava grinned and followed after him. Asch was an idiot, but he was one of her idiots. (she actually has a bunch of those, as you will see soon.) Walking with Asch to their next class was a pain, as the guy would constantly complain about school and talk about arson for what felt like hours. (even though they were just walking down the hall.) History was even worse than math, if that was even possible. The teacher just kept droning on and on. (and maybe it sorta reminded her (and the author) about Professor Binns from Harry Potter, but that was probably just Ava.) Like who cares that Paleolithic Societies were a thing?! Ok, thats probably actually important, but not with a stupid teacher like this one.

Eventually the bell had rung, and Ava was shaking Asch's shoulder to wake him up. (this situation seems oddly nostalgic for some reason.)

After that, there was one more class before lunch. What class was it? Ava doesn't know, as during that time she was outside hanging out with Asch outside by the main tree in the courtyard. (Ava ditching a class? On the first day of school? never.) She was trying to relax as Asch was listing ways to get away with arson. Honestly, Ava would be more surprised if the school didn't burn down in the next couple of months. As Asch was on number 38, his brother came up to them and plopped down on the grass.

"What are you doing?" Asch scowled at him. "You do realize you have class now right?" he glared at his brother in annoyance.

"So do you, idiot. Besides, why would I not be allowed to be here?" Rhaul glared right back. "Anyways, I'm older than you!"

"Physically maybe, but definitely not mentally," Asch rolled his eyes, ignoring his brother's offended gasp.

"Where were you first period?" Rhaul turned to Ava, deciding to give Asch the silent treatment. (very mature.)

"I was roped into showing some of the new kids around,"

"Damn, that sucks," Asch cringed in sympathy.

"At least my uncle owes me some cinnamon buns now. I would never have agreed otherwise," Ava sighed, laying on the grass.

"Of course, cinnamon buns. Why am I not surprised," Asch deadpanned as Rhaul rolled his eyes.

"What were they like? Interesting assholes, or assholes?" fire boi ask her.

"Interesting assholes. They weren't bad, the white haired one was a bit snarky, but otherwise it was eh,"

"Very interesting," Rhaul nodded in mock seriousness. "That was all the details I wanted to know- hey don't touch me!" he yelped as Asch slapped him.

"I hope you burn in hell." was Asch's only reply as the bell rang. 

My Inner Demons High school au rewriteWhere stories live. Discover now