Toothbrush (Nanami x Gojo X Suguru)

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(A/N: Nanami and Gojo are married and have been for years, Suguru is their newly added boyfriend who struggles to know if he is allowed to stay at their home or not, no matter how much Nanami and Gojo try to convince him it's okay.  top - Nanami, Bottom - Gojo, Switch - Suguru)

'Baby you don't have to rush, you can leave a toothbrush at my place, at my place
We don't need to keep it hush, you could leave a toothbrush at my place, at my place'

Nanami and Gojo loved their boyfriend more than anything else in the world. Despite both being married to each other for the past 3 years, they both found it in their hearts to be able to love another person to their relationship and couldn't be happier about it. Everything was going perfectly with their 3-way relationship besides one thing: Suguru was very doubtful and worried how people will react to them and so to avoid confrontation about where he was all night from his room mate, he'd leave either early in the morning to arrive back home or leave at the night time.

This caused strain on their relationship because as much as Gojo and Nanami tried to convince him that nothing bad would happen if he stayed, his fear and worry drove him to still leave because he couldn't risk facing the criticism that came with people knowing he was in a polyamorous relationship with two (already married) men; and that's how things stayed for a while.

'Stuck in a limbo, half hypnotized, each time I let you stay the night, stay the night
Up in the morning, tangled in sheets, we play the moment on repeat, on repeat'

The few times where Suguru would stay the night, all three of them would wake up in a morning haze, clouding their minds for a few minutes, caught up by the bed sheets, the early morning sunlight illuminating the room and casting an angelic glow over the post-sleeping lovers. Moments like these were cherished by Gojo and Nanami as they rarely happened, but when they did it was always a magical experience every time and they were entranced by how beautiful their lovers looked in the light, and so; they let moments like this replay in their mind as much as possible because what they felt was true, raw love.

'When you're standing there in your underwear and my t-shirt from the night before, with your messed up hair and your feet still bare; would you mind closing the bedroom door?'

As much as he tried to to leave to avoid questions from others, sometimes Suguru would find himself so entranced by his boyfriends that over time he would stay a little while longer. This eventually became a habit where he stayed more and more and sometimes, Nanami and Gojo would wake up in the morning to see Suguru stood, gazing out of their giant floor to ceiling window, at the sunrise in nothing but his underwear and usually one of Nanami's shirts, which fell to his mid thigh. Worried about others seeing the beauty of their boyfriend and wanting to take him for themselves, Nanami and Gojo would constantly ask for the bedroom door to be shut in their minds, so that no one else other than them could walk in and see the angelic sight before them, because Suguru was their perfect boyfriend and they would trade the world to keep him for themselves. 

'Baby, you don't have to rush, you can leave a toothbrush at my place, at my place
We don't need to keep it hush, you could leave a toothbrush at my place, at my place'
'I just, I just can't let you go, when you give me something I've never known
So baby you don't have to rush, you could leave a toothbrush at my place, at my place'

And so they continued with their attempt to show Suguru that it was perfectly okay to stay with them and that nothing bad would happen. They all knew that Suguru didn't really want to leave and was only doing it because he felt he had to and they decided that if they really wanted this relationship to work and keep its magic, as much as they wanted to, they couldn't let Suguru keep leaving because every time he left, he took a piece of their love with him and one day he might leave and never come back.

'No need to question next time we meet, I know you're comin' home with me, home with me
Sweat like a sauna, break up the ice, I know you're gonna stay the night, stay the night'

The best time of year for them was summer, not because they could throw fun parties with ice cold beverages and go to the beach; but due to how hot it could get, they knew Suguru was more likely to stay the night because his apartment didn't have an Ac. Knowing this, Gojo came up with the idea that they should buy an AC for their house, and the next day him and Nanami secretly went to go get one.

The next time the three of them met up to go back to the house, Nanami and Gojo knew Suguru would stay with them as they had Ac and he didn't. The plan worked perfectly, and not only did Suguru stay the night, he stayed for the whole summer which lead to some great cuddling sessions...besides other things ;)

'When you're standing there in your underwear and my T-shirt from the night before
With your messed up hair and your feet still bare, would you mind closing the bedroom door?'
'Baby you don't need to rush, you can leave a toothbrush at my place, at my place
We don't need to keep it hush, you can leave a toothbrush at my place, at my place'
'I just, I just can't let you go here, Give me somethin' I've never known
So baby you don't have to rush, you can leave a toothbrush at my place, at my place'

Unfortunately, as fast as summer came, it was gone again and so was Suguru. Little did he know his morning and late night leaving had the opposite effect to what he wanted; without him there, Nanami had to deal with not only his own sadness at Suguru leaving, but also Gojo's, which turned fast into break downs as his husband thought their boyfriend was slipping away from them yet again after they held him so close not long before and they were back to their convincing  yet again. 

This carried on for a few weeks until one day, most likely a wednesday cause shit always happens on wednesdays, Suguru was getting his stuff to leave (yet again, honestly if he was my boyfriend I'd have yeeted him away by now or told him to figure stuff out but ya know-) and woke Gojo up by accident and let me tell you if they used Gojo's arms with how tight he hugged Suguru, (not painful, just comforting) you'd get a prize every single time on one of those claw machine games.

Not only was Gojo hugging the death out of Suguru, he was also crying, which just caused Suguru's heart to break (serves him right) causing him to question what was wrong and why Gojo was crying.

"...Don't leave again, if you leave you won't come back again" 

And suddenly realisation hit Suguru like a truck driving at full speed whilst also being hit by a train moving at full speed, and he thought about how if Gojo was feeling like this, and he caused it by leaving, what Nanami was thinking; and in that moment, he made his decision

"hey, I'm not going anywhere, only to the bathroom. I was just quickly organising my stuff cause it was threw all across the room last night. how about, when I come back from the bathroom, I make some hot cocoa with cream and marshmallows?"

Gojo just nodded, but this noise also caused Nanami to wake up too, who handed Suguru one of his t-shirts with a more happy(?) expression than he'd had the past few weeks, which caused Suguru's heart to melt at how happy him staying made his boyfriends, and he decided he'd be staying more often than he'd leave from now on and maybe might even move in with them fully during the next year or so.

And with that he went and did exactly what he said he'd do, even surprising both Nanami and Gojo when he kissed them both on the cheeks and complained that he wasn't kissing morning breath (mood) and gave Gojo one of his hoodies to wear

'Cause I don't want this to end, and there's no need to play pretend
If you stay with me again, would you mind closing the bedroom door?'

And close the bedroom door he did, because really, Suguru didn't want it to end either and from then on he stayed, which eventually led to the adoption of a puppy, because of Gojo, and the adoption of two very chaotic salmon haired twin brothers,; creating new, beautiful memories for the lovers every day.

'Baby you don't have to rush, you can leave a toothbrush at my place, at my place
We don't need to keep it hush, you can leave a toothbrush at my place, at my place'
'Cause I just, I just, can't let you go here, you give me something I've never known
So baby you don't have to rush, you could leave a toothbrush at my place at my place'

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2021 ⏰

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