Yandere Tedi Sneeker x Reader

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You were going home after you went to the store to buy some groceries for your apartment. Once you got home, you found a note that says "Meet me at the river at midnight. Don't be late and come alone. You thought to yourself, "This has to be a trick, there's no way I'm falling for it." You laughed and you threw the note in the trash and started to put away the groceries. After the groceries have been put away, you decide to take a shower and head straight for bed. The next day, you woke up and you see a tedi wearing a black trench coat and a fedora with a katana on the left side. You jumped out of bed in total shock. 

Y/n: "How did you get in?!?!?!" You asked. 

Sneeker: "I have my ways Y/N." The sneeker replied with a calm and soothing voice as the tedi touches your face with its left paw.

Y/n: "Don't touch me!!!! And how do know my name!?!" As you hit the sneeker's paw. 

Sneeker: "I have been watching you for a while now and I thought you would make a good mate." 

Y/n: "So, you're stalking me just because you wanted a bloody mate!?!?! You know what?!?! I'm calling the cops." As you tried to call, you see the line was cut. "What did you do?!?!" 

Sneeker: "As I said, I have my ways, my love." The sneeker replied. 

Y/n: "Don't you My love Me you creep!!!!" As you try to head out of the apartment, the sneeker threw a sharp knife at the door. 

Sneeker: "If you try to desert me Y/N, I will have to punish you..." As the sneeker growled in a low tone and grabs the knife and put it near your neck. 

Y/n: "Ok ok!!! I won't leave!!!" 

Sneeker: "Good. Now, do you remember the note that you found?"

Y/n: "What note?!?!" Then, you realized the note that you found when you came home. "Oh... That was you??" 

Sneeker: "Yes, my little moonlight. I always wanted to go to the river for a late-night swim. Just you and me." 

Y/n: "Well, I can't because I already have a BF/GF and we were about to go a picnic." 

Sneeker: "Oh really??? Well then, why don't you tell him/her that you're feeling sick..."

Y/n: "But I can't do that!! We already planned it two weeks ago! And I'm not even sick!!" 

Sneeker: "You will tell him/her, or I'll have to kill him/her. And I want to listen as well." 

Y/n: "Alright!!! I'll do it!!! Are you satisfied now!?!?!" 

Sneeker: "Yes. Here you go." As the sneeker give a cell phone and you dialed your GF/BF's number. 

Y/n: "Hello, hey I can't come to the picnic because I'm feeling a little sick. Hope you understand..." As you hang up the phone. "There, better?!?!"

Sneeker: "Better. Now do get ready for tonight and try not to be late or make any excuses or I will hunt you down." As the sneeker leaves, you fall on the floor and think that things can't get any worse. 

Y/n: "Please give me strength to overcome this!!!" Later that night, you get dressed to go the river to meet with sneeker and hope for the best that it will go well. "Alright, I'm here..."

Sneeker: "My, don't you look stunningly beautiful Y/N. Are you ready to go?" 

Y/n: "Yes..." 

Sneeker: "What was that?" 

Y/n: "I said that I'm ready." 

Sneeker: "Then let us go." As you and the sneeker leave the apartment, sneeker decided to wrap its arm around you.

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