Yandere Sky Jockey Tedi X Reader

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You're inside an airport, waiting for your flight to visit your grandparents, when you see a tedi with an aviator hat with goggles and a jacket that says "Death from the Sky" and you decide to wave at the tedi and the tedi waves back and is coming in your direction.

Sky Jockey: "I haven't seen you before. What is your name, sweetheart?"

Y/n: "My name is Y/n."

"Well, Y/n, as of today, you only belong to me."

Y/n: "Wha??? But we just met and we hardly know each other!!"

Sky Jockey:"Don't be silly!!" As the sky jockey laughs and pulls out of a sharp knife. Y/n: "Hey!!! What are you doing with that knife?!? And how did you get past security?!"

Sky Jockey: "Let's just say that I have my ways, now as I was saying, if you ever leave me or with someone else, I might have to kill you. So don't do anything reckless." As Sky Jockey smiled.

Y/n: "I understand..."

Sky Jockey:"So, where are you going on this splendid morning?"

Y/n: "To my grandparents house for the weekend."

Sky Jockey: "Oh really?"

Y/n: "Yeah... why?"

Sky Jockey: "Just asking..."

Y/n: "Right..."

PA: "Attention, flight number XXX is ready for boarding."

Y/n: "Oh!! That's my flight. I got to go. Hopefully, we'll see each other soon." As you get your things and leave Sky Jockey to head for your flight.

Sky Jockey: "Don't you worry, my little blue bird, I'll make sure that we see each other very soon..." As Sky Jockey slowly follows you. As you show your ticket to the flight attendant, he/she confirms the ticket and lets you go in. Then Sky Jockey sneaks past the flight attendant to find you. After a few hours of flight, you have arrived and went straight to your grandparents house. As you were going to visit your grandparents, a squirrel/tedi delinquent stopped you.

Delinquent: "Hey there, baby.. I have seen you before... How about you and I go to my place for some one on one time.."

Y/n: "Uh no...I have to go."

Delinquent: "Oh!! Looks like I got a fighter!!! I like that in a guy/girl." As the delinquent grabs your arm and tries to assault you by playing rough.

Y/n: "Hey!!!! That's assault!! Let me go!!!!" As you try to fight back.

Delinquent: "Why don't hold still and let me handle you..."

Y/n: "Nooooooo!!!!!!" As Sky Jockey pushed the delinquent off of you. "Sky Jockey!!!"

Sky Jockey: "How dare you try to harm my little y/n!!!!" As Sky Jockey snarls and pulls out a DP-500.

Delinquent: "Why you... Learn to mind your own damn business!!!" As the delinquent pulls out a knife.

Y/n: "Be careful!!! Sky Jockey!!!" As Sky Jockey pounced on the delinquent and took the knife away and grabbed the delinquent by the neck.

Delinquent: "What is your problem?!?"

Sky Jockey: "Now listen to me, punk. I want you to stay away from y/n or I'll break every single bone in your body and use them as toothpicks. Do you understand?"

Delinquent: "C-cry-crystal clear!!!" As the delinquent runs away from Sky Jockey.

Sky Jockey: "Are you alright?!?!" As Sky Jockey hugs you and purrs.

Y/n: "Y-yeah, thank you for saving me. Although I do want to ask. How did you..."

Sky Jockey: "I have my ways."

Y/n: "Right... I was wondering if you want to come with me just in case there's any trouble..." As Sky Jockey brightens up as you asked that question.

Sky Jockey: "You want me??? to come with you????"

Y/n: "You don't have to if you don't want to..."

Sky Jockey: "Yes!!! I would love to come with you!!!! So that way, if there's anyone trying to get in my way, I can just kill them."

Y/n: "No killing!!!"

Sky Jockey: "Ok, my little bumble bee. I won't kill anyone. Now shall we?"

Y/n: "Yeah... let's go." As you and Sky Jockey walk together and visit a few different places and enjoy each other's company. Even though Sky Jockey would get territorial around you, you feel safe and grateful that you two met.

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