Yandere Long Ranger Tedi X Reader

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You woke up in an house in a deep and dark forest and you looked around to only see dead bodies of your previous boy/girlfriends that have been shot in the head. You nearly threw up from seeing the corpses and decided to call the police. Suddenly, a tall tedi with a sniper rifle took your phone away.

Long Ranger: "Naughty, naughty Y/N. You should know that you never mess around with someone's phone." Then the tedi threw the phone out of the window. 

Y/n: "What did you do to them?!?!" 

Long Ranger: "Shh.... There's no need to worry my little bumblebee." As the tedi puts its finger on your lips and replied with a soothing tone in its voice. "Right now, you belong to me."

Y/n: "Listen, I really have to go home because I have to visit my parents and help them with their garden." "

Long Ranger: "No, you don't. You're staying with me forever so that way I can keep an eye on you to make sure that don't do anything how do you say... stupid." As the long ranger leaves to get some food for you. "Now, don't go anywhere, my love. I'll go get some food for us." 

Y/n: "Yeah, you do that..." After the tedi left, you decide to find your phone and get out of the forest. "Ah!!! There you are!!!" As you found your phone, but your smile turned to a frown as you see that you have no bars. You decide to go get bars so you can call for help. Then you see someone hiking. You go up the person. "I need your help!!! I've been captured by a tedi, and I want to go home!!" As you exaggerate, the person told you to calm down and he/she'll get to the bottom of this. "Oh, thank you so much!!! We have to go right now before the long ranger comes back and finds out that I'm missing!!!" The person then takes you to the ranger station. Meanwhile, the long ranger came back with food and saw that you were gone. 

Long Ranger: "Do not worry my love, I'll find you and the person who took you and then I'll kill him/her for you!!!"

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