Last day of freedom

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 October  25th - Saturday 2024

Alex's pov

After dinner I completely wiped out as soon as my head hit the pillow I wake up and look out at the pitch black room my window covered by the curtains I sit up In bed barely half awake I groan and step out of bed I walk one step forward and trip over my train model on the floor I feel myself fall on the ground with no support whatsoever.

[God I should really get a carpet If I wasn't awake I'm awake now...] I groan and roll on my side Alex honey Is that you? I hear my Aunty Lyn say yea.. I fell I'm fine though! I shout I don't hear anything so I assume she took the hint I get off the floor and open the curtains sunlight pouring In from the widow ugh.. I cover my eyes from the sunlight.

I turn away and walk out towards the bathroom and get my toothbrush and put on the new thing of toothpaste minty fresh I put It under the water and feel coldness hit my mouth and brush my teeth and clean my face with soap and blink my eyes feeling alert and awake I walk out of the bathroom door and look over the Island and see my aunt making breakfast.

Where's mom? I say stifling a yawn Oh she had to go out to work early I swear that woman never takes a break she rambles on about mom but after a second she looks back at me any plan's with your girlfriend? She says snickering almost her amusement at my discomfort making me frown no well not that we've planned at least I say scarfing down my food.

 She frowns at me the entire time has your mother taught you nothing about proper etiquette? She looks at me her plate of food untouched what's wrong with the way I'm eating she Just sighs and doesn't respond I take that as a chance to keep on eating after like 30 seconds the plate Is empty she Just looks at me astonished.

Like a does-the-boy-never-eat-or-what type of look I Ignore the feeling of her staring at me as I wash out my dish the warm water contrasting my cold hands I'll be In my room If you need anything I walk off and she doesn't say anything Just excuses herself from the table and nothing else I grab my phone off my desk.

And sit up on my bed and stretch my arms a bit while yawning I look at my notifications and I feel my mouth drop 10 missed calls!? from Ren what the actual hell I scroll down and see 3 missed calls from Lily [Hold up.. what time even Is It] I look at my phone and see It's almost 1:00 then again I did spend most of the night on facetime with Lily.

So that WASN'T breakfast It was lunch I tap on Ren's contact and start texting him but see a notification from my school Gmail from the school I open It and see a email that say's something along the line's of costumes are allowed for Halloween have a lovely weekend students and some other stuff that I don't care to read but something catches my eye.

Due to a school board meeting we have stated that school will start a hour earlier at 7:30 [Oh what the actual hell]  and see a new schedule layout I almost drop my phone the amount of classes I have with Lily Haley and Ren at the same time Is INSANE how In the actual hell Is this gonna work??? I sit dumbfounded for a moment.

And then remember I have to text Ren to see what's up because he didn't call me that many times for no reason.

Alex : Ren what's up? You called me like 10 times alone last night 

Ren : Alex It's Important we really need to talk

Alex : About??

Ren : I've been thinking a lot about us and I really like you but I can't lie It bothers me

Alex : What bothers you? 

Ren : I don't want to always be second best to Lily 

Alex : Why didn't you tell me this the other day when we were hanging out?

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