Ch. 1:𝐛𝐞𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬

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Clay POV


The thicket of dark oak forest consumed my soul as I fell far beneath bedrock level, and into the Deep Dark.

Clicking sounds swarmed my ears as my vision blurred from the great exposure to darkness. 

It was moments ago I last recalled falling into a deep slumber in my comfortable sheeted bed. 

Just in front of me I can feel the floor begin to rumble, the sound of shulk blocks can be heard over sounds of screeching. Is this the Warden?

A malice laughter rung through my ears.

"Who's there?" I spoke, hiding the fact I was trembling.

"An old friend." The strange being spoke back.

"I can't see you, it's too dark."

"That is why I brought you here." They would pause, "You see, I can see perfectly fine. Your droopy dirty-blonde hair, forehead dripping with sweat, emerald green eyes."


"Stop what?"

"I-" I couldn't form a sentence, uncontrollable fear replaced my body's brave state. 

"See your pathetic human nature, it's always causing you to be scared. You get no benefit from being such a wimp."

"It's not my fault I'm human." I would speak back, slowly regaining my bravery.

"You know your not human." They would once again laugh, this time it seemed poison would roll off the tip of their tongue. 

"I... I don't know what I am..." 

"Oh, but I do." They spoke with confidence, "Your my creation, Dream."


"What's Dream?" I would say confused at the memories that were hidden deep beyond my reach in this state of mind.

"You. You are Dream."

"But my name is Clay Wastaken. Adopted son of Captain Puffy."

"That's what they want you to think. You see Dream, I am XD. The god of..." They would trail off.

"Hm? 'The god of...' what?" I would ask.

"Doesn't matter." XD would snap, "All that does matter is that you are my immortal form."

"What...?" How could this be? "So I'm you, but as an immortal form?"


"What does that make me though?" 

"It makes you a god." 


"...A god?"

"Yes. "

"What does that mean?" I would ask.

They would clear their throat, "It means you have my abilities. Only too some extent however. You can't instantly kill someone like me, but you have quite strong powers."

"You can instantly kill someone...?"

"Yes. But that doesn't matter."

"Okay, so why is it that you have brought me here then."

"Brought you here? No, no. I summoned you here." XD would inch closer to were I stood. "You see, your soul is down here in the Deep Dark with me. Whilst your body rest in the overworld asleep."

He would place his hands on my shoulders as if he was trying to be my friend.

"Why am I here though?" My tone was laced with some annoyance, from the sudden contact.

"Well, Dream, since it is your 21st birthday today, it means our bond is strengthened."

"What bond?" I would ask confused, "I just met you."

"Naïve. That's what they call people like you. Though that is apart of being so young." XD would stare through my soul, though I couldn't quite depict his features due to the darkness. 

"We haven't just met. You see I have always been apart of you. When your in combat, do you know why you are so good?"

"Because I train a lot..?"

"No. Because of me. Us. I am one with you."

"But that doesn't answer my question, why am I here?" I would snap.

"Well, technically it answers part of your question. Because our spiritual bond is strengthened it means that for all of today I will be apart of you. To be specific your intellect."

"My intellect?"

"Yes, your thought process. We will be able to communicate telepathically despite me being trapped down here."


"That's not all. Today our strengths are combined, meaning I have over riding power over your actions-"

I would cut them off, "You'll have control over what I do?"

"No to be exact. I will influence your choices and actions. But I am here to offer you something... you cannot resist."

"And that would be?"

"I will trade you, your soul for an immense amount of power and control over everyone you know."

"Why would I want to do that."

"Because you have no choice."

His laughter rung through the cavernous system we were in as shulk blocks could be heard clicking and shifting. His voice sounded deep and robotic.

But what does he mean I have no choice?

It was early morning here in New SMP. The fog only beginning to rise off the grass. 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2021 ⏰

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