Do You See Me (A Draco Malfoy Love Story)

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If you’re reading me, your awesomeness is blinding: OOOOKay here it is!! This was going to be like suuuuper different but I thought this was good way to write it….it’d have a better humor set to it and would be a thousand times easier to write on (which helps me out more than you know)!!!! I stink at beginnings though, so bear with me alright? It’ll get better, promise!!!!

Do You See Me (A Draco Malfoy Love Story)

Chapter One: The Spell

---------| Julian’s POV |------------

I walked out of my Transfiguration class feeling like utter cow crap. I had failed to do what the teacher had asked and ended up receiving detention for mouthing back. Perfect. Just what I needed right when we had just arrived at Hogwarts like yesterday. Walking out into the square, I heard the familiar giggles and chuckles, those smacking noises from those secretly snogging in the corners, and that unmistakable sound of Malfoy’s ego inflating. Ah … so comforting. Just the thing I need to top of my perfect day. Now on the count of three:




            “Hey half-breed!” came the usual introduction as was predicted. I look over to the tree he was perched next to with disinterest. Goyle, Zabini, and Crabbe were chatting next to him about what seemed to be which girl was best to have scream your name during sex.  Apparently that was either Pansy or Vane. I didn’t think they would bang a Gryffindor but hey! Who was I to judge? Shaking my head, I think about that stupid nickname he’d been calling me for years. Half-breed.

            “You would think after six years, Malfoy that you would have learned my name. It’s Julian Peters,” I quip back.

            “Yeah, whatever, half-breed. I have something I need to show you,” Malfoy smirked deviously and I knew it’d be stupid to walk over there, so I didn’t. I stood where I was, just far enough away to check out Luna behind him. I had a crush on her, you see. She was gorgeous, with all her fictional beliefs and blonde hair. It stuck up, stayed straight, curled, waved. I loved blonde hair. On a girl anyway. It was so much better than my thin black hair that hung past my ears. Plus she had bright grey eyes, where I had again black eyes. I’d wanted to ask her out for a while now but she was a year ahead of me and like Neville of all people.

            A small rock hit my shoulder, knocking me out of my thoughts. “Hey! Are you going to come over here or what?” Goyle shouted for his Leader. He’d cast a spell and thrown the stone at me. It was bound to happen more (and don’t sass me about how little stones hurt) if I walked away.

            “Do you like Lovegood or something, half-breed? A failed attempt at a pure-blood that family is,” Malfoy said and to my utter embarrassment, I blushed at the mention of liking Luna. He saw this and chuckled with a smirk. Then I processed what else he had said about her. Before I could stop myself, I whipped out my wand and pointed it at him.

            “What are you going to do? Hex me?” Malfoy stated smugly, like I didn’t have the balls.

            “Diffindo!” I muttered to myself so they wouldn’t hear. Instantly the seams on Malfoy’s pants began to unravel and give away. Smirking, I watch as his silvery boxers come into view and he still doesn’t seem to notice. Soon all that was left were some useless pants and a half naked Slytherin. I grin at him until he notices his unseemly state.

            “You half-breed!” Malfoy yelled as he attempted to pull his shredded pants back up. I gave him the smirk that was oh so famous for him. “I’ll get you for this!”

            I just shook my head and turned to walk into Hogwarts again. There, standing oh-so-scarily, was Professor Snape. And he was giving me that caught-you-peeing-in-the-shower look but probably meant something a bit different than that. I stared back for a moment until I heard a familiar voice scream, “Metamorphis!” Whipping around I set my eyes on Malfoy. His wand was raised and pointed at me. Hatred was plain in his eyes but there was also surprise as a bolt of glowing light came speeding towards me.

            At first I didn’t feel any different, except for being thrown backward and slamming into the nearest wall. As soon as the spell took full effect though, I began to scream. My bones crunched and my skin twisted as my body shrunk. My hair grew longer as I felt my hips crush together painfully. The skin softened and I noticed that the transformation didn’t actually hurt. It was more of a steady thrumming through my skull and bones that weakened my senses. The trousers that had been perfectly fitting seemed to grow too big for me and my button up shirt bagged over my chest. Something flopped onto my chest in a pain thump. Are those … boobs? Another scream of horror ripped through my throat as I took notice of the two blimps that had grown onto my once perfectly sculpted chest.

            The whole square had surrounded me as I changed from a guy to a girl. I unsteadily stood and tried to walk forward. I stumbled a bit and once my balance returned, my gait walked towards the inflictor.

            Giving a loud yell, I tackled Malfoy to the ground. “What did you do?? Look at what you did to me!!!!” Malfoy stared at me with indifference. That made me even angrier. Pulling on his blonde hair, I smashed his head into the cobble stone. “I’m a fucking girl!!!!”

            “Yes, it seems that you are,” came an annoyed voice. My body was ripped off of Malfoy’s and I was thrown over Snape’s shoulder. I fisted my hands and began hitting his back. Snape didn’t seem to take notice and walked calmly out of the square.

            Just as we were leaving, I could have sworn I heard Malfoy yell, “Julian always has been a girl’s name, half-breed!”

I was going to kill him.

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