Chapter 2

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Mw-ahahahahah!: Call me the gingerbread man! I worked hard on this, really I did. If it doesn’t live up to my first chapter, I’m terribly sorry. I’ve taken over three days to write this. So … like it or diiiiiiiiiieeeeeee … No, I joke. But seriously, I hope you like it^_^ (woosh=time skip backwards)

Do You See Me (A Draco Malfoy Love Story)

Chapter Two: Only Him

            “A girl, I’m a fucking girl.” My voice was almost a whisper as I walked down the hall. With my belt several notches tighter and newly bought bra for my, oh Merlin, tits, I hustled back to my dorm. They jiggled. It was bloody fucking annoying. Up, down, side to side, some jiggling back, jumbling forward. It was mesmerizing in a way, but if I let my mind wander, it would start to become a hassle. I’d never been with a girl before. I’d never been so close to a girl body before, let alone felt the need to have boobs of my own. They were … uncomfortable. With every sway and movement, I just wanted to rip them off.  How did girls do this all day?

            Don’t even get me started on … downstairs. My little me was gone. My package deal. My sausage and potatoes. My nuts and berries. Gone. My only attribute as a guy had disappeared as the world knew it. I wouldn’t be shagging Luna anytime soon, that was for sure. It’s not like I had the chance to anyway. She wouldn’t give me the time a day even if I turned into a bloody MoonFrog for her. I can’t fathom why I think that’s an attractive trait.

            Dumbledore claimed it wasn’t possible to change myself back alone. There was only one person in the entire wizarding world that could do the reversal spell. That miserable toad of a human being was none other than Draco Malfoy. On the high chance that he even knew the reversal spell, that is. And being the dumb prat that he is he probably didn’t. I’d be stuck like this for the foreseeable future.

            Merlin, my parents were going to kill me.


            “Ya know,” I started, my voice jiggling from thumping onto Snape’s back. “I never saw our teacher/student relationship as one that would cause this type of commotion.” We were strutting (as Professor Snape does) down the halls attempting to avoid crowds and all social activities. It had to look out of the ordinary for Snape to be carrying a supposed—supposed!—young witch on his shoulder, but I didn’t question his motives. But nonetheless, he didn’t respond. I’d never been his favorite student like Draco I’m-Such-A-Ferret Malfoy was. If I didn’t know any better I’d think Professor Snape was shagging Lucius and Draco was their love child. But then again, I guess that wasn’t very logical … because Snape was shagging Dumbledore.  

            Eventually the ridiculous words of “black licorice” were spoken and the magic stairs appeared. The eagle twirled and placed step after step up to the office. I was set down harshly, stumbling to the stairs. Dumbledore was sitting in his desk, a short level above the rest of the room. I didn’t even bother glancing about; I had been here enough to know to not take the candy (they bite like freakin’ beasts).

            Upon seeing my arrival, Dumbledore stood and walked away from the desk. As he neared me, his eyes lit up. “Amazing,” he murmured, stroking his beard like all old men seem to do. My trousers begin to sag as I stand under the Headmasters scrutiny. Yanking the crotch of the black pants up, I hold them in place. Not the most appropriate place but perhaps the most effective. “I’ve never seen the Metamorphis spell successfully done! Draco must have had the right conviction and the precise method down pat. I guess were lucky, he very well could’ve killed you, Julian!” With that cheerful statement out of the way, I surged forward, pointing my finger at him dramatically.

            “Don’t you ‘Julian’ me, Headmaster! I demand to be changed back right this instant! I have jugs for Merlin’s sake and I don’t want them. I am a guy and I demand my testosterone back,” my face brightened to a deep red. Dumbledore smiles at me, soon beckoning me forward. My hands fist up and shake with anger. I felt angry tears forming in my eyes. As a guy, trivial things like angry crying didn’t happen. My unfamiliar female emotions were beginning to pour out of my system. When Dumbledore’s hands were placed onto my shoulders, the inevitable occurred.

            I, Julian Peters, burst into tears. Muttered words consisted of insulting Malfoy and my newly formed anatomy. I think I even said, “My nuts and berries! Gone! Manly hood!” Snot ran down and out of my nose and fresh streams of tears trailed. I looked and felt absolutely horrid.

            What a perfect time for Malfoy to enter, am I right?

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