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A/N: I know Charles was like 17 when his father passed away, but for the story, I made him younger. (How cute is the picture tho)

        Pascale Leclerc let a small smile linger on her face when the partners of Herve, her late husband, send their condolences, brought flowers to his ceremony. She had wanted the funeral to be for their family only, which included her parents, herself, her son Charles of three years old, little Arthur and her oldest, Lorenzo. The youngest children didn't really understand yet what was going on, and Herve had said, when he was dying, that it comforted him that the children wouldn't suffer from the moment of loss, not actively living it. Pascale had time to deal with her own trauma of everything first. The door of the venue fell closed after the last ones left, and the silence filled the room. The flames of the candles were flickering softly. Pascale closed her eyes for a second, sighing in the quietness that arose. She sent a last prayer to Herve, to wherever he may go now. The last couple of months had been so turbulent, and it had left Herve with a lot of worries for his wife

Would she be able to carry the crew on her own? She's a strong woman, for sure. The financial aspect of their crew was the thing they worried about together, which Pascale had ignored. They still had enough resources for their family, but they had to pay back some loans as well. It was going to be hard. "Mom, are we leaving?" Lorenzo's voice pulled her from her thoughts, and she nodded. The Leclerc family left the cemetery, their driver standing in front of the gates, ready to take them home. The children climbed into the backseat, and Pascale opened the door of the passenger's seat, looking over her shoulder a last time, her eyes finding the grave up the hill, covered with flowers. She let herself slide into the car seat, to leave her husband forever.

Pascale gave herself two days to pick herself up and step to the front of the crew, who were disoriented without their leader. She took the seat of Herve behind the large, mahogany desk. Nearly every personal belonging of his was removed from their home. Pascale didn't allow herself to grieve. There was a crew to lead, and she knew Herve would have wanted her to take the reins and take care of his family like he did. But financially, the crew was in too deep. Discussing with their advisor, there was no option to sell any more of whatever was stored in the warehouses. All the armor, weapons, drugs, munitions that laid there had already increased to their emergency stock. Nearly all debts were paid off, except for one. The debt was a sum of twenty-one million, and there was no way the crew could pay for it within a couple of weeks.

The kids got homeschooled, played with their friends, and were unaware of what was happening in the background of their lives. Pascale was buried into the work and after sleepless nights of finding solutions, making calls if there was any crew willing to fuse, everyone declined. Now Herve was gone, their thrust in the Leclerc mafia had decreased, and no matter how strong her leadership was, there was nothing she could do. There was a debt to pay to Matteo Abril, the boss of a large crew in Valencia. He is flying over to discuss the possibilities, to see if there was anything to get them both money. Pascale knew Matteo barely accepted financial deadline extensions, and not even the dead of her husband, and his partner, had brought any relief or sympathy to the situation.

The Spaniard is seated across her as we speak, his legs crossed over each other, his hand comfortably holding a cup of espresso coffee. Matteo Abril reeked of wealth, experience. Herve had even admitted that Matteo was a better businessman than he could ever be. Pascale cleared her throat while resting her elbows on the surface of the desk. "Matteo, I will be honest with you," she started. "We don't have the money, and we will not have it soon," Pascale said, coming straight to the point. Matteo nodded slowly. "I know," he simply replied. He briefly looked around what had previously been Herve's office. "The future for your crew does not look particularly... sunny," Matteo decided to say. "We have done everything we could," Pascale said.

"Your husband left it to you like this," Matteo stated. "He didn't," Pascale bit. She didn't want him to blame Herve. It had gone wrong long before he died. "I want that twenty-one million you owe me, I don't care in what way," Matteo shrugged. "Matteo...." Pascale sighed, closing her eyes for a second. "No," Matteo shook his head. "The only way you can get your crew back on the map is by one of your sons taking it over," he said. "I have one proposal, which you simply have to accept," Matteo leaned back against his chair. Pascale pursed her lips together, awaiting his proposal. "Your surname carries a lot of worth and power in this world, Pascale. Even in a couple of decades, everyone will know who your husband was and will know about your crew. I would be a fool not to make use of the ties we have now," Matteo continued.

He reached for a picture frame of little Charles, and he tapped on it. "I am blessed with a gorgeous daughter of the same age. Sara is her name." Matteo's facial expressions turned a little softer when talking about her. "In twenty-one years, she will be twenty-four. I want them to be bound together. A million of debt forgotten with each year you conform to the deal," Matteo said. "You want me to force my son into a marriage?" Pascale asked in disbelief. "I'm doing the same here, Pascale. For the greater good of both crews," Matteo said. "When Charles turns twenty-four, I will stand on your doorstep and offer my daughter's hand for marriage. The connection between our crews will be powerful, and build a successful network," Matteo added.

"What if I decline?" Pascale asked. "The debt will double," Matteo shrugged. She swallowed hard. There was nothing more she wanted than her sons having a calm youth and growing up to whatever they wanted to be, but this forced them into a corner Pascale had wanted to avoid. But there was nothing she could do. If she wasn't going to pay, the debt would be doubled. And God knows what happens then. They didn't have the resources anymore to battle like a successful crew. "If I agree right now, I want it written up that I don't owe you a single penny," Pascale said. Matteo nodded. "Of course. A contract will be put up and send in. I will come tomorrow to sign it with you." The man stood up, and reached his hand out over her desk. Pascale looked at it for a second, before standing up herself and placing her hand in his. Matteo left shortly afterwards.

Not once in twenty-one years she spoke about it, nobody knew about the deal except for Matteo Abril himself. Not even Lorenzo, at the time of the deal the oldest, questioned why the crew was suddenly saved. Pascale couldn't be proud of the moment, she couldn't be proud of determining the future of her son, but she did whatever she could to save the crew. Somewhere, she was sure Herve would have made the same decision, and she hoped that Charles would understand eventually. Charles grew out to a handsome, strong, intelligent mafia leader. Lorenzo never wanted to take the lead from Pascale, he didn't want the same responsibilities as Herve had. But Charles wanted to make his father proud, ever since Pascale explained why he was gone, and how legendary people considered him in the world they lived in. There was nothing he wanted more than putting his name on the map, as the son of Herve. Lorenzo had left the house, distanced himself from the mafia, and Pascale wanted to keep it that way.

She didn't want him to be too close and be in danger, which was something they all agreed on. Charles had taken the lead greatly, and while he was still learning, it was clear that he had the same characteristics of his father. He was loved easily, a smooth talker, good businessman. Pascale felt proud, however his reaction to the deal she made twenty-one years ago, made her heart clenched together a little. It even made her a little scared. The 16th of October, Charles' birthday, was in three days. And in three days he will meet the woman that will be tied to him forever, by an historic agreement between two crews, which will decide the rest of his life.

A/N: as always, a shorter introducing chapter to guide you through the historical process of it all. Feedback is welcome! :)

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