That Damn Shirt [MYG]

622 22 20

Word Count: 10,837
Theme: Smooth, Santana
Edited: 19/02/23

You'd been looking forward to tonight all week. Your birthday, and for the first time in your adult life, it fell on a Saturday; prime club time.

Your best friend, and roommate, had text you just ten minutes ago. Letting you know he'd be home shortly, and that your ass better be ready for the dinner he insisted on taking you out for, before hitting the clubs. Wise as he was, Yoongi always made sure you were well fed before a night out.

You hadn't asked your best friend before you stole his favourite navy silk shirt, that's what best friends were for after all. A second wardrobe, and Yoongi knew you dipped into his quite often.

But tonight you had dressed up his garment a lot sexier than any before. The navy shirt you wore like a dress was only half buttoned to show off your tattooed sternum, with a harness to cinche it together and black thigh-high boots to complete the look, along with some diamond jewelry. This side of yourself was only a side you brought out on special occasions, to wow everyone who knew you as the potato in Yoongi's oversized t-shirts.

Elsewhere in the apartment you heard the front door open and close, that would be none other than your best friend coming home from his shift at the tattoo parlor.

"Lemme just get changed and we can go," he shouted, not bothering to pop his head into your room before he was closing the door to his. While you waited you made sure your makeup was flawless and your bag was packed. "Hey, Yn, you seen my navy—"

He stopped as soon as he opened your door unannounced, the first thing his eyes settled on was your reflection in the mirror.

"Is that my shirt?" You spun around with a wide grin, excited to show it off and possibly beg to wear it.

"What do you think?" You asked hopefully as you turned half to the right before facing his straight on and extending your hip to the right subtly.

"Looks good, you can keep it for the night. It's nice to see my tattoo's healing well too," he smirked, eyeing you up and down like a good meal before he closed the door on his way out.

Later finding, he'd dressed in all black to compliment your accessories. Bless your best friend and his fashionable forward thinking.


After a fancy meal in a high end steakhouse, you and Yoongi were in his car. A black Audi R8. You were supposed to be going out to party next, but after a few minutes you realized he was driving to the edge of town, instead of the strip; which was home to some of the best clubs in the city.

"Where are we going?" You asked suspiciously, turning the music down via your phone.

"Got some people that wanna wish you a happy birthday," he eyed you briefly with the ghost of a smile on his lips as you sat up; instantly getting excited.

"The boys are coming with us?" Your voice rose as you spoke but to your dismay, your closest friend shook his head.

"They all have appointments at the parlor tomorrow but they asked me to bring you to Namjoon's so they could see you," he explained and you fell back into the leather seat with a grin.


In the mirrored elevator en route to Namjoon's apartment, you pulled Yoongi closer by his hand.

"Come get a picture with me," you whined, "I need to post so that I look like I've got friends."

"You got plenty of friends," he rolled his eyes through his reflection while lightly pinching your side, making you jump back into his chest where he welcomed you with strong, inked, arms. "Come on, get it over with," he feigned annoyance, and you grinned as you lifted your device.

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