2 - Practice Is Worth it

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Chae stared at her ceiling, thinking deep thoughts about the audition this Saturday. She sat up and looked at her calendar. Tuesday. Four more days until her audition. Beomgyu told her that he already filled up the audition form for each company in case she didn't get accepted to the other company. He also told her that he'll be helping her practice her chosen choreography every day after school.

Her alarm went off and she went to turn it off, seeing it's 6:00 in the morning. She got off her bed and began fixing it. Once she finished, she went to get her uniform and went for a quick shower. She was the only one awake at this hour since her sibling's alarm turned off at 7:00 in the morning.

She quickly dried her hair and straightened it, then left for school. She walked down her street, turning right to Winterberry drive and stopping at four seasons drive.

When the school bus opened the doors she quickly went in and sat on the one-person seat at the back near the emergency button. She takes out her phone as she gets a text from Beomgyu saying he will pick her up at lunch to practice early as he wants to do it earlier than later. She replied back telling him she didn't bring extra clothes for practice.

25 minutes later the school bus arrived at her school. As always she went to her first class.


Chae's in her technology class, listening to her teacher explain when suddenly the school principal interrupted the class. Everyone looked at the doorway and Chae cursed under her breath as she sees Beomgyu with two of his bodyguard. "Hey, sorry to interrupt your class but is Chae here?" asked the principal.

Chae stood, "I'm here."

Everyone watched her walk to the doorway making her uncomfortable. Beomgyu sensed her she's uncomfortable by the stares by reading her expression and hugged her, "I'm here, don't worry." He whispered in her ear.

Chae nodded, hugging him back.

"May I ask what you need Chae for?" asks her teacher.

"She's going home early, family business," replied the principal.

Her teacher nodded and asked one of her classmates to write notes for her until she came back. Beomgyu suddenly hears tiny sobs coming from his cousin, "What's wrong?"

"Can we go now?" She hiccups. He nodded and nicely asked his bodyguards to give her a mask. Once she puts it on she quickly takes her school back in her locker.

She felt uncomfortable walking by the hallway with her cousin and bodyguards because people were staring at her. She took a deep breath and ignored the stares. She suddenly sees Felize and Kim walking towards her. "What's happening?" Felize asked.

"I'm going home early to practice the dance I'm doing this Saturday," she answered.

Her friends hugged her, "Good luck sis! We're rooting for you!"


Chae and Beomgyu arrived at a practice room that he rented for four days. She changed into practice clothes that Beomgyu bought for her and changed her shoes. She placed her school bag in the corner of the practice room and waited for her cousin. Once Beomgyu entered the room he gave her a hug for reassurance, "Have you decided on what song you'll be dancing to?"

Chae nodded, "I'm thinking about doing five different songs just in case the judges didn't like the previous dance."

"That's smart," he patted her head. "But it'll be hard to memorize five dances in four days."

Chae gave him an are-you-serious-look, "Uh-Hello? I can memorize more dances than that in a day, Remember!"

Her cousin chuckled, "Of course you can. I Was just fooling around. What are the songs?"

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