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............."It has always been a yes!Never a no! and you took advantage of this.

You hurt me more than a million times you left me when i needed you the most,if only you come back before.....maybe i would have considered taking you back but you are late.  

Things have changed,seasons have passed and am sure you dont see me as you used to before.

You know what?i have been busy looking at the door to our happiness that i didn't notice that one door that has always been open for me.If only i just looked back once then i might hav........"She says.

           "Dont say that you know i have always been there for you.

Yes i have been selfish I know...but whether i move to the east or west home is where the heart is and that is by your side,"he says

"Yes you were always selfish not once but so many times just let me be selfish this one time."she says

       A tear cascaded down her left check and finally he found the reason to let her go even if it hurt him deeply.Maybe they were all right...they just weren't meant to be.
She turned around and started to walk with each step she took she knew she built a river that can never be crossed but it will always be there flowing and finally they might not have had their happy ending but she did have her chance to walk away because she was always the one left.


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