CHAPTER ONE:The beginning

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This is my second book here the first one hasn't worked out the way i planned and i just thought of trying something new.The ideas i got personally i think they are great the problem is i can't make them come to life but no worries am sure as i hit the road I will learn how to drive smoothly.Enjoy

         CHAPTER 1:

"Nooo!no!no it can't be,am sure you are just lying.Dad!mum!where are you,am going to shut my eyes and count to three..One....two...and here comes three....she opens her eyes wishing that they would appear before her but nothing happens.
"Sweety,you got to believe us...your mummy and daddy would never comeback,they are dead."an old lady says while trying to calm down the child that's sitting infront of her.

"What is dead?"the child asks.She is a girl that's not more than four years.

"It means they won't comeback again.They are now a spirit."the old lady replies back.
"Is a spirit a good thing to be?"the child asks again
"Yes,"the old woman says

"Can't i be one then.Even though they left me i want to join them and i miss them,couldn't they have just waited for me?dont they love me anymore?Mum i promise to never misbehave can you show yourself now."She waits for a few minutes before continuing,"they would never comeback would they?"

She gets out of  a bed which is made of banana leaves which was handmade with skin hide spread on top of it to make it atleast comfortabe.
       People eradicated from their homelands dont usually possess alot but they are contented with the little help they get.

The war between the government and the bandits was still on claiming as many lives as it can.
Home wasn't safe anymore and the government didn't have enough facilities to outdo the bandits but it was trying its level best to provide shelter,clothing and security to as many refugees it can but unfortunately it can't accomodate for everyone and the less fortunate were forced to live on farms of the wealthy as peasants and work on this farms just so as to be able to put something into their mouths.

She run as fast as she could hoping that maybe if she did this she would be able to catch up with her family.

She didn't care about the pain rushing through her as she steped on thorns penetrating through her skin her mind was set elsewhere.People stared at her with sympathy written all over their faces this is something they are used to.Tragedy is a part of their lives and they have pretty much learnt to live with it.

      Not watching where she was stepping on,she tripped over a stone and she fell down scrapping her knees and thats when tears kept on flowing out of her eyes.
An observer saw all this;he too has been through the same and at that moment he knew she needed someone to tell her its going to been ok she was a survivor and she had to live to that name.

"you know its never good to cry when the sun sets because the tears won't let you see the stars,"startled by this voice she looks to her left and sees a boy close to age.Hidding behind her hair she says,"i dont want to see the stars they remind me of my mum,"she looks up the sky as the evening bids goodbye and the stairs start to appear."and how do they remind you of your mum?"the stranger asks,"whenever i wanted to get something i wished for my mum said i should look up the stairs and say"the stars are my witness and the moon and the sky my wishes be granted for this tears i cry."tears start to build up in her eyes.
     "why say that?the stranger asks again.
"my mum said that'the stars are willing to share some of their glow with you just so you could get alittle light to brighten up your life."

"oh now i get it.... the little boy is interrupted by a loud voice that was shouting,"sajjjjj its getting late we need to go back home now!"

The stranger gets up and wipes any dust particles,"its nice to meet  you but i got to go now"he turns around to walk but stops when she calls out,"will i meet you again?"
"maybe,maybe not but dont be sad always smile.Bye..teary star"

She watches him untill he disappeares and a tear falls from her right eye,"you know it's said,a right eye tear always comes from the heart."
     Once more she was startled by another voice.

Hoping that it would be the boy she was talking to she turns around but to her disappointment she sees another boy.
      "What,"she asks

I said,"a right eye tear always comes from the heart and that means you felt deeply hurt.You know what?tears are a sign of weaken you are a survivor so dont feel sad or bad and now this is your new home people might be living in poverty but we care for each other and you know what else?i know how to make you smile.
         "Get up"he says and she does what he asked.

"catch you"he says.
"what?"she asks.

    Rolling his eyes he says"when i say "catch you"you have to start running and i will chase you_ok?"she nods ok.once again he says"catch you"and this time she starts running and the sound of her laughter is heard attracting the attention of everyone including the stranger.

   "Thats right.Always keep smiling..teary be continued..........

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⏰ Última atualização: Feb 16, 2018 ⏰

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