Chapter 1 Alaska Freeman

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The worst day of my life was when my
mother died, she hadn't been well for a while but her death still came as a shock. We had a perfect little family and a perfect little house; my days were filled with joy. Every child smiled in my primary school but my smile was by far the brightest, a reflection of my parents and their glowing eyes and warm hearts.

But then my mother became ill and my world was turned on its head. I can still hear my mum and dad crying when she was told she was ill, I was never told how she was ill or why. Her smiles started to turn stiff and her eyes glow seemed to flatter. But Dad seemed to be affected the most as he stopped eating and his eyes and body features became like that of a dead mans.

I still remember that cold winters night when I felt a hand shake me awake. My dad stood next to my bed in a sorry state, crying and shivering, I asked him what was going on but he told me to get into the car and then turned his back on me. I ran into my parent's room desperately trying to find my mother, trying to figure out what had happened. But as I searched the small room all I saw was a dark figure lying motionless on the bed. Mum.

We hurried to the hospital, no time for an ambulance. My dad sat in the front seat his palms sweating as he gripped the steering wheel. I sat scared in the back with my mother's body sprawled over the back seats, her head on my lap. I tried my best to comfort her but my hands would shake as I brushed hair out of her face.

My dad rushed into the hospital with my mother in his arms. He ran in screaming for help, everybody seemed to stop for a second and look before rushing to his aid. Doctors put my mum on a trolley and started to wheel her off through some heavy wooden doors. I went to follow but some strong arms held me back, I started to struggle and scream as I tried to go after my mother but I quickly became weak and was forced to give up. I looked around the hospital reception for my dad; he sat in one of the chairs, his hands running frantically through his hair, almost pulling it out. I felt my toes go cold as I realised that my mum hadn't been breathing in the car a fat tear slipped down my face.

I toddled over to my dad to try find out what had happened and hoping for some reassuring words and a hug but before I got to him he got up and burst through the doors leading to the hospital car park, leaving me, forgetting me.

I fell asleep, curled up on one of the chairs in reception; I was woke by a warm voice. "Alaska Freeman?" The nurse asked, I nodded, a sombre look appeared on her peachy face. I started to cry "no," I whisper shaking "no," she never looked me in the eye as she led me to the relative's room. Before we'd even got to the door I could hear my father's angry cries as nurses rushed to try calm him down. The nurse kept me moving as if she didn't want me to see my father in this state and for that I was truly great full.

We stopped outside a light wooden door and the nurse made eye contact with me for the first time "do you want to see her?" The nurse questioned, but my 9 year old brain thought this was a trick question as she was dead and wasn't coming back until I realised what she meant, I nodded.

I walked into the small room that was filled with lots of strange looking machinery and tubes. It had that sort of clean chemical smell about it that made my nose twitch. My mother laid lifeless on the bed; I could almost see the heat draining out of her. Her eyes were closed and her hair lay over her shoulders, I hadn't noticed how thin she had gotten until that moment, her cheek bones were sharper and her skin seemed to be hanging off her bones. I turned to face the nurse about to ask her what happen to my mum when my dad's head looked round the door and gave me a blank stare "It's going to be alright, sweetie," said the nurse, how wrong she was.

This is the first chapter to my original story thank you for reading! I post a chapter every month so the next one will be out in February!

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