Chapter 4 Sam Roland

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I loved school, in fact it was the best part of my day, learning stuff I didn't already know frilled me. Max, the Dick, may have made my life hell and my mum leave me but he was decent enough to keep sending me to private school, I guessed it was more profitable for him than me in the future. I listened intensely in lessons, careful not to miss a single word the teacher spoke, filling the brain I had with more knowledge that could help me get out of this damn town.

Scott and Brendon were my best friends, we stuck together through whatever shit got pulled on us and our family's. Both my friends were aware of the situation between Max and I and both of them were ready to kick his ass for it "don't let him push you round," Brendon would say "I'll get him for you," Scott would butt in and with each new bruise and bloody lip Scott's threats became stronger, I was worried one day he actually might kick his ass or worse get his ass kicked. They would always ask me why I didn't fight back or tell someone about it with which I replied 'if he hurts me he won't hurt anyone else.' They would tell me I didn't have to fight other people's battles for them and I would say 'yes I know, I just want to die trying.'

I sat in maths, listening to Miss Locks go on about algebra that never ceased to confuse me, I liked maths a lot better before they decided letters needed to be in it. But I sat and listened even though I knew as soon as I walked out that door I would completely forget the last hour of teaching and I think Miss knew that too. As she would walk round the class room with that disapproving look on her face, as if she knew what you were thinking. "You may go," Miss hissed, everyone jumped to their feet and rushed to the door, Miss giving them a venom filled looks as they pasted. "Bye, Miss," I chirped, as I walked past her "goodbye Mr Roland," she spat, I gave her a rich boys smile and walked out.

Scott and Brendon were already in the lunch hall waiting for me with their good boy lunch boxes laid out perfectly straight in front of them. My friends were very different to me; they were always studying and doing assessments before they were due in, their uniform was neat and tidy and they were not built for fighting but they swore like hell. "Hey dude," said Scott looking up from his sandwich he'd seemed to of been studying "what's up?" I replied not thinking anyone would actually reply to it but of course Brendon did. "Not much but, dude, don't look behind you," I froze; I know when I'm told "what? What's going on? Why can't I look?" I stuttered "don't freak but Britt is eyeing you up." Ah Britt, the perfect example of a stereotypical popular girl. She spoke too much, bullied people, went out with a new boy every week, she was a bitch, she was Queen Bitch, the Bitchest Bitch Apple academy had ever seen and probably ever would.

I turned around to see the monster herself looking at me while biting her lip like she was about to eat me. I slammed my head onto the table, getting a number of side glances from the people around us "dude you've got Fucking Britt looking at you! Go over there," Scott said giving me a 'go get her tiger' pat on the back. "No way nu hu, I'm not going over there," I said gripping the table to show my determination to not go over there. "Do you know what this will do for you at school if you go out with Britt?" Scott said, waving his hands in the air "yea I'll be the fool who fell for Britt's tricks and get dumped in under a week," I said morbidly. "you know Scott's right," Brendon butted in "thank you," Scott replied, "God get a room you two," I laughed, Scott gave me a sharp look, Brendon continued "you won't just be Britt's trash you'll be her ex- boyfriend, all the girls will want you then," he wiggled an eyebrow at me. "No, I already said no," I was starting to get annoyed "okay don't go over then," Scott said, Scott let that go too easily, I already knew what was coming " she's coming over isn't she?" I sighed, they both nodded with big smiles on their faces.

I felt a hand on my shoulder before I saw the fake nails come into my view; she looked like one of those kids from the rough part of town but classier in a way. "Hi Sam," she whispered into my ear, everyone had seemed to of stopped to watch us, great. She sat down in the empty seat next to me, making sure her leg was touching mine "Hello Britt," I said giving her a pleasant smile, she looked at me with intensity in her eyes "Hi, I'm Scott and this is dick head," he said pointing at Brendon who rolled his eyes "Yes hello," Britt said giving them both a cruel look. "So you are coming to my party tonight, right?" she asked casually "don't think so?" I replied blankly "oh you must, it's going to be amazing! My parents are out of town so I have the house to myself and there's going to be alcohol, lots of it," she smiled "plus I'd love to see you there," and what happened next surprised me "sure we'll be there," she kissed me on the cheek and went back to her giggling group of girls and ex- lovers that were still trying to worm their way back into her bed, I felt sorry for the poor fucker that felt the need to go after her.

At the end of school my friend's and I made plans to meet at Scott's house, after we got ready, as it was the closest to Britt's house co the fact no one wanted to drive. I just hoped Max's was in a good mood and would let me go.

Sorry it's been awhile since my last up date, I've been very busy! Sorry if there are any mistakes in this I haven't had time to proof read it! Thank you.

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