A Friend From Work

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I hate the fact that Dr Raynor reached out to Sam to get me to cultivate and nurture our friendship. I mean whether I'm at home or at Sam's place the nightmares will still be there, they've been my constant companion since I was freed from Hydra's control. I mean there was some peace in Wakanda and then I dusted along with half the population and then came back and went into another fight. Fighting, it seems like that's all I do so why try and act differently now?

I shoved my backpack of clothes into the compartment under the seat of my bike. I didn't have much with me but I'm not really comfortable enough to own things yet. I have what I need for a few days and that's enough. I hopped on my bike. This is going to be a long week. Stuck with Sam's chipper attitude for a week while I have to check in daily via text with the doc and explain what we did for the day. I'm one hundred and six years old not ten but if it keeps me pardoned then I'll have to suck it up.

The drive was quiet and it was around nine in the morning when I pulled up to Sam and his sister's place. I saw an unfamiliar truck outside. I knew Sarah owned a navy blue dodge and Sam had a newer one but silver, this old brown and cream Cheyenne is by no means new but new to the Wilson's home. I wondered who it was but shrugged as I grabbed my bag. I would find out soon enough.

I made my way up the steps and knocked twice and waited. I took in a deep breath and huffed. Let the week begin I thought to myself as Sam's smiling face opened the door.
"Sam." I greeted and he just chuckled and slapped my shoulder as I walked in.
"Hey Bucky." he answered and motioned for me to follow, which I did. "You're going to be staying in Cass's room, the boys will bunk together while you're here." He said showing me to the room. I wondered why he invited me to stay if he didn't have room and once again I found myself wondering about who the truck belonged to. I dumped my bag on the bed and followed him back downstairs and when we passed the door closest to the stairs I could hear a woman's voice singing softly. I saw Sam smile at the door and he paused listening to the voice as well. It was soft but calming and beautiful.

Sam motioned me to follow him downstairs and asked if I wanted coffee, I nodded and he busied himself with making us both a cup.
"Sorry about the sleeping arrangements Bucky." he said at last as I sat by the island counter. "We had an unexpected guest arrive this morning and we'll, she's family and she's going through a tough time." I didn't comment only nodded as he handed me the coffee, after Steve chose to go back to Peggy, I'm used to coming second to people now.


It had been a long time since I had heard Meadow sing, she still has the same soft and melodic voice as always. Her throat must be feeling better of she was singing. It sounded like it came from Moana, something about something calling to someone. I smiled and noticed Bucky with a slight smile while he looked at the door. Guess he liked what he heard too.

"Bucky, did I ever tell you that Sarah and I have another sister?" I asked Bucky as he sipped his black coffee. Bucky shook his head. "I haven't seen or heard from her in eight years and this morning she showed up bruised and with a kid. She hasn't said much to me but I think she needs family, so please no staring contest with her and be gentle with her, she looks like one strong wind could blow her over." Bucky's brows shot up at my words and protective tone but he nodded anyway. We both turned as we heard Meadow down the stairs with Lilly on her hip once more.

"Hey M, how are you?" I asked taking in her appearance in the morning light. Her lips was still swollen but scabbed over now. The bruises on her left cheek now had hints of green around the edges but the bruises on her neck were still purple. She was wearing a short sleeve t-shirt and I could see bruises in various shades up both her arms and I could see feint cut marks on her arms too. I pulled my eyes back to hers and watched as she stood frozen in place, clearly not expecting someone else besides me to be here. "M this is Bucky, a friend from work and Bucky, this is Meadow, my younger sister." I motioned between the two.
"Hi Meadow." Bucky said standing, his forties behavior shining through, his manners making him stand as he greeted my sister. I watched Bucky, he had the smallest smile flit across his face before it was gone and he resumed his neutral expression.
"Hi Sammy and nice to meet you Bucky. This is Lilly." she said softly and motioned towards the little girl on her hip. Bucky and I both smiled and greeted Lilly and she smiled and waved back at us, clearly too shy to speak right now.

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