Chapter 1

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It was another normal day in Clover Point, South Carolina. Molly woke up as the sun shined through her window, Pony Club was today. Molly stretched out before she tossed the covers off of her, glancing over at her clock it was 6:00am. Molly digged through her pile of clothes before finally finding her white Jodhpurs. Molly threw on her Ralph Lauren polo shirt before pulling on the Black English riding boots. That were covered in Dust and mud, Molly walked out of her room, hurrying down the stairs before he feet jolted and stopped deal in her tracks. A frown came upon Molly's face, her mother, Stephanie Jones...was no where in sight. Molly's mother said a few days ago. "Ugh, molly, know I'm busy with work!" Mrs.Jones said,
"C'mon mom! You never come to my pony club shows or lessons." Molly said,
"I do too! But I'm going out with my girlfriends that day...but I'll try." Mrs.Jones said, with a disgusted look.

Now, as Molly stood in the middle of the hallway, Molly had saw her mother was nowhere in sight. A tear trickled down her pale white skin, before she aggressively wiped it away with her sleeve. Molly took a deep breath before looking at the time. "Ohmygod!" She muttered as she ran out the door. Grabbing her bike, Molly pushed against the pedals as hard as they could go. "I'm gonna be late for pony club!! Ugh, this is all your fault mom!" Molly talked out loud as she rode down the side of the road. Molly had completely forgot about the most dangerous thing. Traffic!
A car horn beeped as Molly wasn't paying attention. "What the-" Molly squeaked as she saw a car heading right for her. Beeping like crazy. Molly was completely stunned with fear! The car got closer before she turned her Bike sharply into the ditch. Her bike skidding, before falling out from under her. Molly put her hands out in front of her, bracing for the fall. Wincing in pain as she felt her wrist twist the wrong way, before rolling into the small, grass ditch. Molly winced in pain as she got up, this couldn't be happening! This day went from bad to worse. "Ohmygod, I'm gonna be so late!" Molly said as she pulled her Bike out of the ditch, the once clean White Jodhpurs were now stained with green...and she only had a few minutes to get to Meadow Farms Pony Club!
"This day is going awful." Molly mumbled under her breath before she pedaled as fast as she could, hoping she could make it in time.

"There you are!! What took you so long?!" Olivia called out as Molly ran up to the stables.
"Ohmygod! What happened to you?" Once again, another question came out of Olivia.
"Long story! But all I know is Dan will kill us if we're late!" Molly said, taking her liver Chestnut horse out of the loose box. Her name was 'Candy' but Molly loved calling her 'Candy Cane'
The mare with a bit fat blaze, Two white socks, and a thin chestnut colored mane, standing at 14.3 hands tall. Candy nickered over to a Dappled grey, named 'Jolly'
standing at 15.1 hands tall, so much taller than Candy.
Molly put her black English saddle onto candy. The color truly popped, since Candy was a liver Chestnut.
"Guys guys guys!!" A voice traveled from a certain horse truck, Matthew Pines and Carson Harvey were sprinting across the Pony Club driveway, from where their Horse truck was parked. "You better hurry up! Mr.Collymore is already loosing his cool because we're not in the arena yet." Matthew spoke, Carson ran over and helped Molly finish tacking up. "Thanks Carson, I really appreciate it!" Molly said. "It's no problem, c'mon I'll give you a leg up." Carson said, cupping his hands. Molly put her knee in his hands and he tossed her up. "Now go and get Peppy! Hurry!" Molly said to Carson. Peppy was Carson's horse, a buckskin with a light creme tail. "See you in the ring!" Carson shouted, as he ran off. Molly and Carson both had a connecting bond, Carson was like a big brother to her. Since she never really had a true family. Her Mom was always getting wasted or was out partying, but Molly never questioned she was afraid for the answer. Molly's dad died when she was 11 years old, She was 12 now. Still having nightmares from that day. Molly was with her dad, and watched him take his last words and his last breath.

"Promise me something sweetheart." Mr.Jones said, struggling to breath.

"Dad no- your gonna be okay, is on the way!" Molly tried to convince him.. but it was no use.

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