Chapter 2

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Molly gasped as her vision regained sight, pain shot thought-out her as she tried to sit up. Panicking, but then she heard the words from her instructor.
"Molly! Relax, it's okay!" Dan,  her riding instructor spoke as he stopped her from getting up.
Molly stopped trying to get up and looked around. Carson, Matthew and Olivia were all standing close by.

"Candy?! Where's candy? Is she okay?!" Molly panicked.

"She's fine, just take a deep breath." Dan said, looking at molly.

Molly inhaled and exhaled. "Where is it hurting?" Dan asked, as he allowed her to sit up. Monitoring her closely.

"Um.." Molly said, as she had to get her bearings back.
She felt pain in her back.
"My back..but I'm fine." Her face, paler then usual.

"You don't look fine." Dan insisted.

"Mols, maybe you should get check out by a doctor?" Olivia spoke up, "You had a really bad fall! You've been knocked out for minutes..."

"No I'm fine, really, I'm just sore." Molly said.

"For godsakes Molly! Your in pain, why don't you just get checked out?" Carson spoke up.

Molly gave him a glare.

"Carson is right, your getting checked out." Dan said.

And with that, the lesson was cut short. Everyone was fine with it, expect for Alissa. Typical though. Olivia had taken back Jolly and Candy, untacking them both and brushing then down.
"That was a nasty fall Molly took!" Olivia said, as Carson was untacking his horse.
"Yeah it was! Can you believe she was gonna get up and ride after that?"
"Oh yes I can...Molly is very, well, stubborn." They both laughed.

Meanwhile at Dans house...

Dan lived in a small ranch house that was the neighboring to Pony Club, it was white, with creme colored shutters. Dan lived alone, he had no girlfriend or wife, or kids ! He had taken Molly there was thet waited for the Doctor. Molly sat on the couch with a quiet sigh.

"I'm making a pot of Tea, it should wake you up a bit." Dan said, smiling as he brought her the cup of tea.

"Thanks.." Molly said, she knew what was coming next.

"Alright, now spill. And I don't mean the Tea!" Dan laughed, before his face turned serious.
"What happened today?"


"C'mon Molly, your mother was suppose to bring you today eh? You show up on your bike, with your Jodhpurs all grass! Yeah you could've fell but I think there is more to it, ya?" Dan raised an eyebrow.

"What's there to tell? My mom left, probably out of town again...and she didn't even tell me." Molly stared down at her feet.

"You could've called me." Dan said, looking at Molly.

"Dan, you don't want my problems on your plate too!"

"What? Where did you get that idea?" Dan was taken aback

"Well, from don't have to look out for me.."

"Yes I do." Dan said firmly.

"Huh?" Molly was confused now.

"I promised your father I would"

"Well he's dead now, so you don't have to keep the promise." Molly said, darkly.

"Yes I do."

Molly stared up at Dan.

"Molly, your father and I were good friends...but I care about you. A lot, I always have...but you need to keep me involved, with what's going on with your mom."

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