quarantine together

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Harry: you do yoga. he gets bored easily but he likes spending time with you so it doesn't really matter for him.

Ron: you try new baking recipes. since you both love food, you're always in a mood to eat something.

Draco: you paint the view of what you see when you look through the window.  when he is done, he gives it to you, and you give your painting to him.

Cedric: you draw and he just looks at you. sometimes you talk about things that matter to both of you, you have a lot of deep conversations.

Fred: you sleep a lot but when you don't, you take care of your pet/pets. but you actually spend more time sleeping and he's the spooning king.

George: you make youtube videos about pranks for each other. you actually get really popular because everyone ships you two.

Tom: you two read a lot since he likes peace in your house. after you finish the book, you both talk about it and rate it.

Oliver: he likes to fly on a broomstick inside your house and you watch him destroy everything but you're happy because it was fun for him

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