he finds spotify playlists 'dating him'

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'Who even made these?'
'Wow but there are like 20 of them!'
'Wait no there are more!'

'There are only songs that I don't know!'
'Let's listen to some of them, please Y/N!!'

'I'm reporting them.'
'Well atleast they have good photos of me on their covers.'

'It's cute but why it's only songs that are trendy not the ones that I like?'
'I think you know this one!*plays ur fav song*'

*Finds good songs in them*
'No every song sounds bad.'
'Lest just listen to our songs not these.'

'Y/N did you make this? No? Ok...'*sad puppy face*
'Will you make one for me?'
'The one you made is the best one.'

'Wait I tought there were more of these playlists!'
*plays a few songs on preview*
'Some of them are actually not that bad.'

'These songs don't represent you or me.'
'How do these people don't understand that I'm only yours and I will eventually find them?'

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