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"From what i recall, your grades were the highest!"

Congratulations, huh? A gentle pat on the shoulder was enough to make my blood boil, doesn't he feel any remorse for the evil deeds he keeps on pulling? How come the teachers don't even second check this bullshit?

Makes me angry how such a perfect person is actually spoiled on the inside.

Worse than me! At least I'm honest with myself.

...I am.

"It ain't much, but it's honest work." Said to himself as the little bastard plopped down on my bed.

"Listen, get your ass up and face me like a true man!!" I demanded, of course, he needs to listen.

"That's where you miss me with that bullshit, Livid, im not a man, im a.." he lowered his voice. "D-e-m-o-n."

Not like anyone would take him seriously if he ever spoke that word out loud, nobody gives a damn anywho.

His breath stinks, its warm, and its hitting my red eyes.

"So? You're in the form of one, so act responsible for once."

"Says the one who cheated on the exam today."

"-! It was ONE question, different from cheating the WHOLE paper!" wipe that smug off your stupid face, LIVED!!! "What is the point of this again? Being human SUCK!"

Just then the door burst open, it was none other than Loved, our..third roommate. There was something on his hands, a cookie dough tray?

Of course...a demon who's also not a demon, what's the deal with Loved? He dragged us down here to meddle in between those stinky cock sucka humans...for COOKIES?

As if our home wasn't enough filled with those kinds.

"Hey'o! Look what Chipnata delivered to us!" said Loved as he showed us the tray.

"No way, that little cookie Hajime who keeps wandering around???" Lived was quick to grab one cookie and shove it down his throat." MMMhm...gghhnnn...GHHHCKK."

"Yep! Actually. this was for Haime but he said I could keep it! Such a nice gentleman, right?"

A warm smile was enough to convince me to take a bite as well, hm. Soft and...sugary. Not bad.

Listen I don't know most Hajimes around here, im pretty sure this Chipnata is not even a demon, I'm barely 300 years old, but this young sucka won't tolerate any sort of mocking, I mean business, and that im very good at.

Class in, class out, our days were pretty monotonous, im so glad I'm not a human being, studying and getting stressed out wasn't on my menu when I agreed to participate in this silly scheme, hopefully it won't last long as it is hard to entertain us demons. And I can already tell im not the only one losing patience, Lived, was also getting bored as heck, damn we even thought about causing chaos, might as well do something...But, no. We cannot ruin Loved's experience. He's a different one, this guy, honestly if someone told me this young child was a demon, I would have laughed! But trust me you don't wanna get on this bad sucker's side.

Urgh, buster!

Talking about that..

"Boy oh boy, what are you doing?"

"What." A very angry Hajime glared up at the teacher with cold piercing eyes, damn, I would have trembled too.

"First, you show up late, second, SOAKED with water, and NOW- what's this?" the teacher tried to snatch a gaming console out of the boy's hands, with the latter defensively retreating.

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