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While scars brusies and cuts were on us we still did not care and just got on. He was still scared how his fans would be though. He was doing a glitch trap series and he always wore his glitch trap head. Still scared Lewis? "Yeah, why?" Because you don't have to be,
It's you and you better stop with the series by taking off your head, not your actual one but ya know what I mean. "I'm too scared, what If-"I don't care Lewis, please, you've got to overcome this fear. "I-i-i will,thanks, I love you" I love you too. "Be in the video with me! I you want to!" Sure!!! We filmed the video and at the end before where I'd help him put the intro I kissed his cheek and his cute little blush came by. He then looked at me and kissed me on the lips and his sweet kiss made me fall in his arms to a hug. As we edited the video together all night It was 03:40 and he was falling asleep editing a knife in the video trying to make it stab me. Tired? "Not at all...why" your falling asleep, you to bed with Mabel and enderman if you want. A couple minutes later they all fell asleep and I carried him to bed while our pets were in bed and I edited the video and once I finished it was 05:23. I tided up the house and read some books until it was 6am. The black haired boy was sleeping still and all I could do is take the dogs on a walk because they woke up eventually. I got dressed and put Mabel's and enderman's harness on and took them on a walk. When I was going down Ryan's lane where he usually jogs and saw him today. "Hi Y/N! Where's Lewis?" Asleep, I stayed up with him editing a video bit he got tired and I stayed up doing ect n'stuff, how's max? "Fine but he's been going out alot lately, I don't know why." Well I've gotta go before these both get to tired and pass out! "Bye Y/N! Cya soon!" Bye!!! I walked the dogs back home and Lewis was still asleep. I put water and food in their bowls and uploaded the video and so many likes and comments and subs every time I restarted the page. I made some breakfast for Lewis then I went in our room to wake Lewis up and he was sleeping like a rabbit. Lewis wake up! Wake up! "Noooooooo I don't wanna" his voice was Fading and he will definitely be surprised once he will see how mu h the video blew have to! It's nearly 09:00! Plus I made you breakfast and tided up! His warm arms held my hips and woke up. I saw his arms off of me and he had his breakfast. His blue eyes looked at my e/c's and kissed me until he got the drying out of the machine and found his snoodie. "Thanks!" No prob, I saw Ryan earlier before by the way! "Cool! He hasn't been seen out of the house for 2 days!" Oh my god why? "He had a 48 hour stream with baz and will!" What!?!?! That's really long! As he put his massive fluffy hoodie on he was giggling looking at my unicorn slippers. What? I had These since I was like 9! "And I wonder what it was like for you as a teen 🤣🤣🤣" oh yeah not me making videos of me being drunk with some beer as a pirate! "I was not drunk but I think I did have like some like vodka or tequila sunrise." He blushed alot and hugged me (the vine is this btw 4:13)

After I did the dishes and cups he heard knocking but we weren't expecting anything. It was nothing. "Anything there?" No, nothing at all. "Probably a ding dong ditch."

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