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"Why did you do it?" I said tearfully, feeling a strange but somehow familiar pain.

"I did everything single thing for you; I put so much into this relationship; what did I do wrong exactly?" I shouted while angrily dabbing away the tears falling.

I don't exactly believe in zodiac signs, but an Aries tends to shout and cry when they are angry.

After shouting some more at the human being, I called a boyfriend who thought it was okay to cheat on me and then told me he didn't want to hurt me,so it would be better to just break up. At that point, I was strangely numb, but I knew it wasn't a good thing. As soon as I reached home, I would probably end up crying my heart out watching some sad relationship endings,just to give myself that feeling that all these people have gone through this heartbreak. I can do it.
I could just end up really depressed, having all these toxic thoughts. I was never self-confident, yeah, like never. I always just wanted to fit in with this small group and make that familial bond you can't find anywhere else.

Heartbreak is a feeling,a searing pain,a sad conclusion, and a bad ending to any relationship that two people may or may not have agreed to.

May not have agreed to simply means: one-sided crushes
Celebrity crushes

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