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I was outside in a black leather suit with suede ankle booties, waiting patiently. I needed no binoculars I could see the distance just fine without them. I watched Klaus and his pet Hayley. She sat in the corner reading crying small whimpers escaping from her slightly parted mouth telling me she was crying. Again. The woman was still moping about that baby no one but she wanted. Klaus ignored her blatantly eyes on the window looking dead at me but I didn't freeze. I knew he couldn't see me I was invisible to him. Even the best of eyes couldn't spot me. I gripped my knife sharpening it. Looking at his face infuriated me I wanted to kill him so bad. 'Not yet!!' The original witch screamed in my head. I winced causing Klaus to look at me closer narrowing his eyes. It was like he knew I was here whether he could see me or not he knew I was there and hated it. I didn't want to sit and wait any longer I've had my fill of patience. I threw my knife on the ground 'if you keep surprising me like that you'll blow my cover' I thought making her laugh in my head. I rolled my eyes closing my connection with her. The deal we had was simple kill Mikealsons get revenge and stay alive, she wanted them dead just as much as I did and I was happy to do anything to live and get my revenge. What can I say I'm a angry girl. Looking back at the window now consisting of only Hayley starring in my general direction bewildered. I scanned the house looking through each room door. I saw Rebekah and Elijah, Kol and his witch pet Davina, Finn and Sage, and finally Klaus in his painting room. In deep concentration painting what looked to be two hazel colored eyes. I touched my face subconsciously knowing that my eyes were hazel, part of the charm of being brought from the dead. In the eyes I could see the hate that I starred at him with. I don't know why but I felt as if he was painting..... me, as if my eyes held something in them that meant more to him than just hate to him. I couldn't put my finger on why. It was like I knew but I forgot and I just didn't want myself to remember. I growled growing weary of waiting. I want to kill them and go about my business. It's getting harder and harder to conceal myself from them with my fingers itching to pull a trigger 'When' I asked finally. She didn't reply for a couple minutes until I finally had my answer 'Now' I sped to front door slipping in. I smirked at how easy it was to simply walk in. I knew this place like the back of my hands. I've been studying the ins and outs of this fortress for days. Finding the room Hayley stood in was simple. I placed my knife in some wolfsbane approaching slowly. She sensed me and spun around. Before she could speak I spelled the room quiet and lunged at her. She kicked me backwards into the wall. And I popped back up slipping around her wrapping my legs around her waist. On her back I pulled out the knife stabbing her in the neck. Her flesh burning and screams made me smile. I love a screaming victim. I dropped my spell just in time for the others to enjoy the music as well "Come downstairs I think you have a security issue" I spoke out of my own arrogance. All the Mikealsons were before me in seconds. All bared their fangs at me. I smiled let the fun begin. Rebekah lunged at me first. I dodged her attack and flipped over her snapping her neck like a twig. In unison my feet touched the ground along with her body. Kol stepped up to the plate next but dropped his defenses when Klaus screamed for him to stop. He sped over so that he stood before me and then he grabbed my hands. I froze a feeling I'd never felt before ran through my body. It was consuming my every sense drowning me in unexplainable feelings. I saw every memory, felt every tear he'd shed. Impossible. I thought, how could someone feel so much pain and keep it all away without exploding. In a way I admired his resistance and determination of not losing himself completely. But on the whole I pitied him and couldn't find the wool to to hurt him anymore. Dropping my knife I clutched my heart stepping back. Kol stood still dumbfounded finding it hard to speak "Aksnbdk...W-Will someone tell me what's just happened" Klaus stroked the side of my face ignoring his brother. The touch made my insides numb and my knees weak. For a second it seemed I was being held up by his simple touches. Like if he let go I would've dropped to the floor unable to walk. In the midst of my shock and awe Elijah broke away from the frozen quartet of originals and healed Hayley; who'd been losing blood rapidly as time passed "I've finally found you" he said softly. I didn't understand anything. Why all of a sudden do I want to look at his face all day? Just a second shop I couldn't wait to cut it up in tiny pieces. Now I wish to kiss and touch every part of his body? Listen to his voice until I fell asleep? How? Esther! Witch bitch! She knew this would happen! She better have a good explanation as what is going on here or else. In that moment I wanted nothing more than for her answer the endless questions running through my brain but to my surprise she wouldn't answer. To say I'm shocked would be an overstatement. I knew the shady bitch would find a way. Some way to make my life a living fucking hell for helping her. All Mikealson's no matter what they say are liars and manipulators. Funny how I still found myself wrapped up in the arms of one of the worst ones. The main culprit of all my pain and thousands of others. If i remember correctly all over the world there are those who would never oppose to killing Klaus and his ilk.

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