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I breathed in and burned the body. Next I breathed deep and allowed my connection to Klaus to take me to him. I walked downstairs and touched one of the walls to instead me transported to this place. Looked beautiful and I walked in to see Rebekah, Freya, Elijah, and Kol talking in the garden "What's going on" Freya jumped up and hugged me "It's you" I nodded "What's going on" she shook me "Neverminnd that find Hayley... I know you hate her but she has all of us in caskets and we need you to cure us... I know you can... The cure to the potion that'll cure me sits in the old Lucien lair your blood is the key to saving Elijah and Kol and I need you to siphon the spell off Rebekah... I believe in you more hurry the longer Klaus sit where he is the longer he will be in pain" I took my hand away from the wall and punched a hole in the wall. I could see part of him and moved more of the bricks. Soon his gray face came onto view and I covered my mouth looking at him. It was so surreal to see him so broken and vulnerable. I pulled him out, dived my hands in chest and the knife came out with ease. He sat not breathing and I grabbed a blood bag praying he woke up. I threw him over my shoulder and carried him upstairs. I laid him sweetly on the bed and kissed his forehead. He would wake soon, so I wrote a letter:

Dear Klaus,
I won't be gone long I've got to cure your siblings. I will be back for you and I will bring your family with me. Can't wait to see you.
Love, Ty

I walked out and I used a locator spell to find him. It was breathtakingly easy to find Hayley as she tended over her baby and looked out her window. She saw me put her baby down and turned to me. I thought she would have something smart to say but she came over and she hugged me. I hugged her back and she cried on my shoulder "It's so good to see you... Where have you been!" I couldn't have an answer for her I was missing in their greatest time of need. I don't think it's possible to have an excuse for that. I rushed to the truck and opened the back. There's got to be a way, something for this to work. I can't just give Kol and Elijah my blood they'll die. I need to find a way to concentrate the good parts and x out the bad but is that even possible. I'll cure Freya and Rebekah first and they can help me cure. And I don't need help to cure them. I siphoned the spell holding Rebekah and I gave Freya the cure. After waiting a bit they both woke up and hugged me "Oh God how I've missed you! Hurry cure Elijah and Kol. My spell only works if we're all asleep. Without me they have a good 5 hours" I nodded "But I don't know how my blood is the cure but if I give it to them they'll just die you guys need to help me" they nodded and we worked towards a cure for the bite. We worked tirelessly until finally we got it. I gave it to them and they both woke their bites healing rapidly. I threw myself at them overjoyed they still lived. They hugged me back and I cried on their shoulders "Guys you have to know that if I knew I would've came sooner I'm sorry I left you all to die" they shook their heads and we all hugged again. I crossed the threshold of the house and cursed it. I asked everyone to step in and breathed deeply "No one who is not invited shall not pass if they do they burn until all that remains are their bones thus shall be a sanctuary no magic is allowed here unless done by Freya Mikaelson.... no magic on earth will change it" I said wavering a little but only as little. I looked around the house and waved my hand for everything to go back in its place. Like the mess never happened after I finished I felt dizzy. My body sort of gave out and I fell, but I didn't make it to the ground because Klaus caught me before I hit the ground. I touched his face lightly and laid my head on his chest. I smiled at him suddenly feeling sleepy I cuddled into his chest and fell asleep. When I woke up I was in his arms and he was lightly stroking my hair. I looked up at him and sighed pulling him into me more "I missed you too... What took you so long to come back" he asked a small smirk "Alex" I whispered unable to find another reason. He shrugged "He doesn't matter I won in the end sweetheart" I rolled my eyes and lightly hit his chest "Don't be a dickhead" I said laughing a little he laughed with me and laid my head on his chest. I wondered why Freya sent all those visions to me and I guessed it was because she didn't want me to worry but still wanted me to come home to help. If that makes sense. It doesn't but there has to be a reason for it all. But it doesn't really matter now. I'm here and all is well in New Orleans. I just hope that it stays that way. All my hoping didn't do any good because we all know it never stays good for long "Klaus!" Someone yelled abruptly and angrily, we rolled our eyes and went downstairs. A beautiful black woman stood face to face with Kol who was glaring at her playfully "Come mussel your dog" she said making me laugh "What are you doing here Bennett" the name surprised me, that was one of my best friend's last names. Interesting. That was years ago. Must be a descendant "I need your help in return I will whatever you want no catch no secret agenda I promise" Klaus crossed his arms "I've heard that before" I looked back at her and she sighed "I'll take off my vervain if that makes you happy" she reached for it but I ran over and grabbed her arm "Leave it... I trust you... Do you know of a Nancy Bennett" she shook her head "How about Sheila" she nodded "That's my grandmother" I smiled "Nancy was a dear friend of mine and Sheila was her granddaughter" she looked surprised sort of but shook off quickly. Klaus grabbed me and took me into another room "We can't trust her" I rolled my eyes "You can't but I can so get over it she's staying she can have my old room" Kol popped up and smiled "Or she can room with me" I frowned and Klaus sighed "Do not harass the poor girl Kol she never liked you" Kol shrugged "You never know" it was peculiar to hear him talk like that. He hasn't been the same since Davina died. I never liked her but he loved her if anyone can believe it. Anyhow we all went back in the room and I crossed my arms "What do you need" she sighed in relief "My boyfriend Lorenzo he's sick the spirits lead me here to ask for your help" Klaus raised am eyebrow at her "Well I don't know how we can help with him missing and all" Kol said nastily, from one extreme to another with him huh. This Lorenzo came in and dropped to the ground. The same curse that bound Rebekah, I looked at Kol who looked sad watching the black woman fuss over Lorenzo. I know he didn't want me to but the Bennett and I had a deal we have to help. I walked over and placed my hands on his skin trying to siphon the spell but it wasn't working. Like my powers were a one time solution. Freya walked over and recited a small spell "He's cursed more than Rebekah was if we even attempt to fix him once more he'll die" the Bennett watched her boyfriend writhe on the ground with sad eyes "Kol take..." She smiled sadly "Sorry I'm Bonnie" I smiled and shook her hand "Bonnie into my old room or show her around... We've got this me and Freya I'll find a way to cure him" he smiled at me a little and nodded giving me a small thank you. Klaus frowned not understanding. But really when does every understand? Now to work, I thought looking back at Lorenzo who still lay in pain.

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