My Fairytale

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It was the beginning of March and fairies already started playing with the newborn flowers. Waking up the flowers and calling all the animals weren't as easy to do anymore since we fairies have grown in sizes over the past centuries. Other female fairies chatted under the sunlight, while I stayed in the shadows of our home, The Great Birch Tree of Jaena Forest. I find comfort sitting on the ground just drawing, I didn't like flying like the others, so I hid my wings. That was my only flaw, otherwise, I follow all the mystical creature rules. One, animals shall not be disturbed during winter times. Two, all male fairies and elves shall always tend to the growth of The Great Birch Tree. Lastly, fairies do not associate with humans. The last rule was always emphasized because they were that dangerous, I never knew I'd break such a rule.

Dewdrops fell from trees and dropped on my sketchbook as I drew fire lilies dancing at my left. Everything in springtime is beautiful, but nothing is ever different. I wandered to the depths of Jaena Forest, in search of a new muse. My eyes trace around the willow trees and I wondered at Mother Nature's work until I saw him. Eyes dark and so deep you can't help but look at those brown beads and wonder how to escape. Lips tinted pink like roses on a late spring day. Cheeks kissed by the sun with dimples on the corners of his smile. His very presence was so ethereal that it would make you mistake him for a deity, but there was one problem. He was human. Though as our eyes met at that very moment, I lost all my thoughts and said the unforgivable.

"Mind if I draw you?", I blurted without thought. He gave me a smile of approval and I fumbled with my sketchbook and pencil. He sat so still, leaning on one of the willow trees just playing with a ladybug on his finger. I was in so much awe, I forgot to ask for his name.

"Finn", the male human affirmed in a soft raspy voice, as if he was reading my mind. I guess I have been staring at him for too long, he had an aura like a prince. Time stopped for just a few minutes as I scratched his image on my sketchbook.

That day was how it started. I kept coming back at the same time on noonday to spend time with him. The hours we spent together turned to days, and days to weeks. Every minute, I fell for him. The highs and lows of his voice, the way his eyes crinkle and close tightly while laughing, the way he gasps for air after chuckling, just all of him was beautiful. It was wrong, I was a fairy and he was a human, we both knew it and chose to ignore it. We didn't care for we owned the world together, we were unstoppable. He was like my once upon a time, my fairytale.

On the second-last week of March, all fairies, elves, and centaurs gather together to welcome the new season. It was a very important day for all mystical creatures in Jaena Forest, even the queen fairy of The Great Birch Tree will be attending. However, I despised the event because other ladies were so rude and always gossiped. All tried to act all high and mighty and would judge you from afar, just to get the attention of the male fairies. I didn't need that, but it was a requirement.

"I will not be able to meet you in the afternoon tomorrow, I have a fairy banquet to attend at The Great Birch Tree", I told Finn.

"It's alright, you have your fairy duties, I understand", he replied with a gentle smile. He was always so patient with me, even when I announced I was actually a fairy just hiding my wings. I took hold of his hand and smiled back at him. While we ate finger sandwiches on a picnic blanket, I heard a twig snap and a gasp from behind us. My heart raced and my body warmth increased. Has someone found out? I turned my head quickly, not a single entity was there. Finn pats me gently on the head and my breathing slows. I believe we should be more careful.

On the day of the banquet, female fairies, elves, and centaurs tried to look their best, and all males were chewing mints and slicked their hair back. I looked like a fool, just standing idly beside a group of powdered ladies. They all bantered loudly, I can overhear their conversations.

"Did you know that I saw a fairy together with a human the other day?", A blue-dressed fairy named Ollidea, whom I knew, broadcasted to the group. My ears perk up and I turn a shade of pink. An elf gasped and asked if it was true, I was sweating excessively, ready to explode.

"It truly is! I witnessed it with my very own eyes! And, it was her", Ollidea exclaimed, pointing at me. The ladies' eyes widened and so did mine. So we were caught after all. The queen fairy came forth and looked me in the eyes, I shivered even though she looked at me so softly. Now all eyes were on me and I start to tear up.

"You do know that is forbidden?", the queen fairy asked. I nod silently in return, bowing my head in shame.

"But I loved him, the times we shared together were so magical, I could fly again! It was a sin, but it was all worth it in the end. Do not harm him please, it would cause me great pain and suffering, I may not be able to do my fairy duties", I blabbered on to the queen, tears in my eyes. She looked upon me in great pity. It was the first time I ever felt so passionate, it was a wonderful feeling but it's so scary at the same time. I never loved anyone like this, and I never thought I'd feel this way towards a human. I tried to get my meaning across.

"All right, but I will erase his memories because humans aren't supposed to know we exist, some humans are wonderful but some will hunt us down", the queen fairy concluded. I sank to the floor completely dazed. His name echoed in my head, Finn was all I thought of that evening.

The queen fairy cast a spell on him the very next day and I never saw him for the entire summer, autumn, and winter seasons. Finn never left my mind all this time. I spent those lonely days drawing him from memory at our spot deep in Jaena Forest, and I worked closely with other fairies in working the earth. I missed him so much, he was my proof that not all humans were dangerous. He was mine, and I was his.

I felt the wet grass on the ground, the snow was melting and spring was coming again. It took me back to last year when I had the time of my life with a lover that was never meant to be. My fingers traced the trunk of a willow tree we carved our initials on, tears blurred my vision.

"Excuse me miss, I would like to sit there", a familiar voice called behind me. I couldn't process what I was seeing when I turned in the direction of the voice. It was Finn in the flesh. Memories raced through my mind as he looked at me. The way he looked at me wasn't the same anymore, he looked at me like I'm a stranger. To him, I am. I chuckle and smile longingly at him, tears streaming down my cheeks.

"Mind if I draw you?"

-A :)

A :) - Narrative Essays and Poemsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें