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Nope nope nope, not putting up with this sh*t again today.

I can hear the yelling while I approach the battered house I used to call home. It would be smart of me to turn around and walk away right now, but I'm already late. I cant handle too bad of a punishment today, I'll end up in the hospital again.

I slowly walk up to the door and wince at the sound of glass breaking. I grab hold of the door knob and turn the handle. Unluckily for me, the door decides to creak loud enough I'm sure the people on the other side of the world heard it.

Everything stops and the two people of my nightmares give me their full attention.

"Look who decided to finally f*cking show up." Hana comments.

"I had to study." I say embarrassingly nervously.

"Study my ass. What's more important, my clean house or your f*cking studies?" Edie asks rhetorically.


"Save it." Edie cuts me off.

"Let the girl speak asswipe." Hana snaps.

"Don't give me that f*cking tone bi-" Edie is cut off when Hana throws a glass at his head.

Unfortunately he dodges it easily and gives her a sinister smile. This isn't going to end well.

"I'm sorry-" Edie laughs, "Was that meant to hit me?"

"What does it look like." Hana rolls her eyes.

I think now is a great time for me to just.. skedaddle.

Without turning around, I watch them continue to yell at each other and I place my hand on the door knob. I turn it slowly and try to open the door.

Just my luck, the door creaks at the noise of a f*cking rocket ship taking off.

Both of them focus their attention back at me and Edie's face drops.

"Where the f*ck do you think you're going b*tch?!" He asks. 

"You know," I chuckle. "Anywhere but here."

"Get your ass back here, it's near time for dinner." Hana says sternly.

"I'd really rather not.." I try turning around. I think I have a death wish today.

Before I can get anywhere, I feel a harsh tug on my ponytail, making me yelp. My head is pulled back and I nearly fall on my butt. I'm able to catch myself though and I turn around quickly, seeing Edie with that nasty smirk of his. What I would do to just smack that off his face.

But you see, I did that once. The broken leg I received was really not worth it.

It's too late for me to do anything when I feel a stinging pain on the side of my face. His hand connects with it, forcing my head to the side and I bring my hand to hold my cheek. I breathe deeply, continuing to hold my cheek. Anger only stirs inside me when I hear Hana f*cking laughing in the background.

"Get in the kitchen before I do worse." Edie threatens.

I hold my head back up and lower my hand, glaring at Edie and Hana. The smiles on their faces make everything worse. F*cking sickos.

I sidestep Edie and walk around the dusty couch and into the kitchen. I drop my backpack on one of the chairs of the table and decide to get to work. I look through the cupboards and don't find much. 

A can of Spaghetti-Os is calling my name but I know Edie and Hana wouldn't be satisfied with such a dinner. Rather, I grab a bag of dried pasta and get a pot of water boiling on the stove. I look in the fridge and find a jar of pre-made spaghetti sauce and decide to try to pass it off as homemade. 

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