{2} Laughing on the Inside

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The new boy takes a few steps in my apartment and I find it quite irritating how people are starting to simply invite themselves in. Haven't they ever heard of knocking?

"Who are you?" I ask, now distracted from my breakfast.

"Milo darling, one of your brothers." He walks forward and places the knife down on the table. "Aslan wanted me to check up on you both, it seems to be going swimmingly."

"It certainly is Mi, but she doesn't believe me." Odin says, getting Milo's attention.

"Why is that?" Milo questions me.

"Why should I? A stranger shows up in my apartment claiming to be my brother with no proof doesn't make a strong argument." I reply.

"Oh I did bring the test." Milo says, reaching in his coat pocket and bringing out a paper.

He walks up to me and I stand tall, not letting this man size me up. He gives me the paper and I read the contents.

Amren Elwood, 99.8% relation to Aslan Elwood.
Amren Elwood, 99.8% relation to Rowan Elwood.
Amren Elwood, 99.8% relation to Milo Elwood.
Amren Elwood, 99.8% relation to Odin Elwood.
Amren Elwood, 99.8% relation to Elio Elwood.
Amren Elwood, 99.8% relation to Bain Elwood.

"A DNA test?" I whisper.

"Indeed darling, you are in fact our long lost sister." Milo says softly.

I look up at him with shock written on my face. He smiles softly at me.

"So you believe him and not me?" Odin stands up, clearly offended.

"He has a DNA test, you have a piece of ID!" I exclaim.

"Whatever." He dismisses me.

"What are you doing here? How did you find me and why only now?" I start firing out questions.

"You, little sister, are in danger." Odin comments, "We found you with some hacking and facial recognition and only now because we've only managed to locate you now."

"What do you mean danger?" I ask.

"We have enemies, and we aren't the only ones who have now found you." Milo says, taking a seat at my table.

"Is that why you have a gun?" I get the courage to ask Odin.

My question clearly catches him off guard and Milo glares at him. He moves his coat, revealing the firearm and I shake my head at the sight of it.

"For protection." Odin says.

"How did you know?" Milo asks me.

"You don't hide it well." I comment, focusing back on my food.

"You f*cking idiot." Milo says to Odin.

"Sorry, I was focused on getting her to trust me, not watching my f*cking gun." Odin replies

I crack a few eggs into the pan and tune them out. According to the DNA test, I have six brothers. This is insane. I listen to the eggs crackle in the oil and zone out.

Odin said I would be moving in with them, but what about my life here? They cant just barge into my home and demand for me to move in with them. I don't know what to do here, I worked hard for this and I don't even know these guys.

A knock at the door catches everyone's attention.

"You expecting someone?" Odin asks.

"It could be one of my neighbors." I comment, dropping the spatula I was holding, "They get my mail a lot."

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