The First Exchange

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'Did she just telepathically talked to me?' Saiki thought in surprise and slight denial as he really couldn't believe what was happening right now. 

'What? no, I just coincidentally thought of an accurate answer to call you of- Hell yeah I just telepathically talked to you! I can't take your mental assault anymore like geez! We just met and you're already thinking loads of crap!'  you telepathically replied while walking towards the seat that your teacher pointed at, as you were done with introductions. 

And as if God wasn't done playing with coincidences yet, you sat right beside him. Isn't that great?

For the first time for so long Saiki's mind went completely quiet he really didn't know what to think about this situation or maybe he does know what to think but he can't think of it because you'll probably just end up hearing it. 

You on the other hand decided to now let go of the situation and focus on class, since you already did what you needed to do which was to mentally shut him up so that you'd stop hearing his crap. Sure you could've just ignored him, but you wanted to teach him a lesson and let him know that he can't just simply think badly about you cuz you'll hear it.

A few moments in class passed and everything was quiet Saiki took a glimpse into your direction and saw that you were focusing on class right now 'I can't hear a single thought of hers, she just went quiet after confronting me. If she were a normal person her mind wouldn't be this quiet. . . unless it isn't quiet at all did she mentally block me or something, can she do that?' he pondered, his loud mind being back and running.

'No dude you're just thinking too much, I'm just really focusing on class right now. And what do you mean by if she were a normal person? Psychic powers doesn't make me any less human you know' you answered though still not making any eye contact with him and just looking straight ahead of you.

He was surprised that you answered him and that you're hearing his thoughts right now he decided to continue the conversation 'No I didn't mean it like that, it's just that people don't go this quiet after confronting someone usually they have a lot more to say afterwards'

Still not batting an eye on him you replied 'Well I'm the type of person who would stop talking once I already made my point. I just think that once the point was made it's not worth fussing about it anymore, since it would only lead to a nasty argument in the end. Besides all I aimed to do was to stop you're trash thought talking, once you went quiet I knew my job was done' you finished while now jotting notes down your notebook.

'Oh, okay then' Saiki replied back then decided to also listen to class now, problem is he was having a really difficult time to do so. 

He was now really curious about you questions like 'Do you have the exact same powers as me?' 'Can you do things that I can't?', another problem was he was not one to approach people and just ended his conversation with you. Oh if only he-

'You know I can still hear you right? If you have questions you can just ask me, I don't mind' you told him as your eyes were still on the board of the classroom. 

'Why are you still reading my mind? Didn't you hated it when I did it to you?' He mentally asked you as he caught wind of your hypocrisy. 'I kept reading because your tapping foot and spinning your pen a bit too much and my theory was it's because of me. Not to mention that really intense look in your face right now. Never underestimate your body's language because at times it really makes you look so obvious' you stated.

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