A Questionable Choice

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You two didn't talk much after that exchange, why? Cuz there's nothing more to discuss about to each other. Saiki got his answers and was already satisfied with them, and since we all know that he's not the type to approach or bother people he never once did with you. 

You on the other though you were kind of disappointed that you ended up as just acquaintances in the end, but it's not the most tragic thing in the world. And you understand that the guy felt like he already has it rough enough to be envious of your brother's school life.

It's been three months since you first join this class and things have been going great for you. Thanks to your extroverted and friendly nature, people can approach you with ease and approach you they did. There was not a single day where you weren't asked by multiple groups to hangout with you during and after school.

Needless to say you're one of the popular kids. . .again

But of course not everyone loves you, as the glaring angry eyes of a random ass oc insert is looking straight at you. 'How come she get's to be one of the cool new kids? When I first introduced myself to this class no one gave me much of a side glance. But she gets three straight months of attention?! Why?!' she thought.

"Hey Kageyama-san! I heard that we won't be doing much for PE and we basically get to do whatever we want, wanna play volleyball with us?" one of the boys from the sea of students surrounding your desk said. "Really? Sweet I'm in!" you replied enthusiastically, this caused the girl to grit her teeth at you, but then she got an idea.

"Hey guys, can I join you?" she said while approaching your table with a smile on her face.

'If I join them this can be my chance to steal the spotlight from her, all I have to do is to be better than her. "Then people are gonna be like some player right she is". But if that fails I can always just fake an injury and make it seem like it's her fault. PE time, right in front of the whole class, this is perfect'

Saiki heard her thoughts and thought nothing of it, after all this isn't his business and you probably heard them too. Not only that  but he can hear that the people around you aren't really too keen on letting her join you guys which is also evident by the reluctant and unwilling look on their faces.

"I don't know, you seem like you have no experience at all you might get seriously hurt out there" one of them started and the others agreed "Yeah, not to mention most of us are gonna be guys playing out there, the girls are too scared" another one added. Their responses causes her expression to falter as her plan is now ruined before it even started 'And just like that, she was denied as I expected' Saiki thought to himself. 

"Oh come on guys, don't be like that let her join she may be inexperience but look she's eager" you said which made Saiki surprised but mostly confused. 'Hey what are you doing? She's plotting against you, didn't you hear her thoughts' he thought out to you, but as if you couldn't hear him you continued on.

"Besides I think it would be fair for me to have another girl join us after all most of the girls here aren't willing to join us and if her inexperience bothers you so much then let's start with a little one-on-one between her and me, sounds good?" you stated.

'No that does not sound good at all, you're placing yourself right where she wants you. Don't you know that?' Saiki once again said in his thoughts for you to hear, but once again you didn't respond to him. The girl on the other hand was rejoicing silently 'Foolish girl, you really have no idea what's going to happen to you huh?' she thought to herself.

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