behavior, my behavior, and how I changed

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When I look back to my behavior of the years a notice many flaws in it I was rude and also judged people too fast because I made one encounter that made me do so. Now I try to be better to be nice to the people I meet to show them the smile I didn't get when I needed it. Become friends with those you find interesting and treasure them, they are most likely the ones that will change your life by showing you new things you would like to try or they might even light up an old passion of yours you gave up because nobody else had it as their passion and it was something you couldn't talk about with anyone. The saying "don't judge a book by its cover" is very fitting for this in my opinion. I judge books by their cover as a kid something that wasn't appealing to my eye was not worth any effort in my eyes. But books were people. I had this sort until I came into 5th grade where I met my now best friends, I still had the same thinking pattern back then because of the bullying from 1st till 4th grade but it was a new school so maybe past me thought I could star over. Be nice to people that weren't included. Be the one reaching out a hand first to be friends with them. So did I. I found my first friend at a school where I only knew about 5 people before. I became the one I am now because I opened up to someone, not completely but I showed myself not the quiet kid with the angry resting face, the complete opening up came with time on both ends. In 6th grade, there was a new student in our class I took them by the hand to, and they're now my best friend too. I am now in 9th grade and this year we started to have performance courses, which means the better you are you get a better level of class. I was divided from my best friends and stuck in new classes I sometimes had no one who was my friend. For my anxiety that was nerve-wracking but in the end, I ended up now having more friends because of that. I started being friendly and so I'm not the one everyone didn't want around I'm now someone are happy to call their friend.

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