Chapter 10

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- Announcement 📢 -
Sooo I'm very sorry I was supposed to update yesterday butttt I was busy crying over the new  chapter of tv. ITSS soo freaking sadd  and i had a lot of school works that needed to be finish asap also I'm going on a haitus around dec.19 2021 , but ill make a Christmas special chap.
Let's start

As soon as takemichi went home he immediately called the number that he took photo of " uhhh hello " said the other person on the line

Takemichi :
Ah yes hello I saw youre advertisement can I still get the job

??? :
Ahh well the only slot left is a waiter are you fine with that

Takemichi : yes I'm OK

??? : great come here Tom. For an interview

Takemichi : got it thanks

Takemichi ended the phone he saw a message from Mikey "come at the shrine Tommorow we got something to say to u " takemichi answered with an "ok " he was worried a bit on What there gonna say to him and with that he decided to go to bed 

the next day 

takemichi woke and made breakfast he decided to go to the shrine before the interview he put on his shoes and started walking to the shrine 

(at the shrine )

as  soon as takemichi arrived at the shrine he saw everyone waiting for him patiently which put me on a uneasy feeling

takemichi : h-hey guysss 

mikey : ah takemichi you finally arrived wanna know why we wanted you here

takemichi : uhhh...... you wanted to say something to me 

mikey : correct can you guess why 

takemichi shaked his head left and right saying "no" in respond to mikey's questions 

mikey : well we wanted to ask if you wanted to spend Christmas with us

takemichi : of course I'll spend it with you guys who else ill spend it with but imma bring some of my friends

mikey : YESSS of course you can bring anyone 

takemichi : if thatsall your gonna say ill take my leavea

mikey : aww i wanted to hangout where are you gonna go

takemichi : oh i got a job interview maybe we can hangout some other time ok 

mikey : finnee i understand you can go

as soon mikey said he could levea he started because he didn't want to be late even tho they never gave him a specific time to come some time after takemichi arrived at the  cafe and passed the interview and started working today since there was no costumer they told takemichi to sweep the floor while waiting a few moment someone entered the cafe and takemichi let go of his broom and went to the costumer to take his order 

costumer : OMG TAKEMICHI 

takemichi : uuhhh yes I'm takemichi and you areee ??????

costumer : it's meee sato akkoi

takemichi : akkoi.........cant remember 

akkoi : gosh i was knew you had bad memory its mee we were neighbors but then you had to move

takemichi : OHHH AKKOI i remember  now i haven't seen you since i left hahhaa

akkoi : sameee also why are you working here 

takemichi Christmas is coming soon and i need some pocket money igg soo what do you want to order 

akkoi : hahaaha maybe we can talk after your work ill have an americano and a muffin 

takemichi : ok my work endss around 5pm soo maybe we can have dinner and is that you want 

akkoi : ah yes that's all i want ill just cojme here around that time 

takemichi : okk 

as takemichi started walking in the back of the kitchen to get his order to the chef takemichi was shock a little bit since he haven't seen akkoi in almost 15yrs. he use to taller than him but now he towered him he was happy to finally see him after a long timeeee . Takemichi's work finally came to an end as they were doing closing hour work he saw akkoi already waiting for him outside the cafe" i think were done here" said takemichi "yea i think were you may now leave takemich " said the girl working with him as she said that he went into the staff's room and change his clothes after changing his clothes he went outside to meet with akkoi to do some catching up akkoi came from a very rich family so he wont shock if he saw him wearing designers "akkoi ,hopefully didn't kept you waiting haha" takemichi said under his breath "not at all c'mon i know a good restaurant we could eat atmt treat " as akkoi said that a car came up and he opened the door for takemichi as they arrived at the fancy restaurant they went it and found a seat and a waiter came to them to take there as they order there food the waiter left 

akkoi : its been awhile takemichi how are youu

takemichi : I've been good how about u 

akkoi : that's good to here I've also been good i noticed how your still short ahahaha

takemichi : c'mon i use to be taller than you but how the tables turned 

akkoi : hahahat tru thoo .................

outside the restaurant 

innui : hey koko can u pinch me to see if I'm dreaming or I'm actually seeing takemichi with akkoi  

koko : NOPE  you are not dreaming this is bad we need to warn him come on lets goo

innui : right at you 

back to takemich and akkoi 

as they continue catching up with each other  there food arrive and they started eating

akkoi : takemichi I've been looking for you for a while now 

takemichi : really why so 

akkoi : its about you're parents you never know the reason why they died right 

takemichi : yea i never knew how they died 

akkoi : they got killed by a gang because they wanted you but since you moved to an orphan they lost you but i have an idea who killed them but do you want to avenge your parents

takemichi : more than ever 

I'll stoopp here sincee my brain can't think of any word I'll see you all in the next chap.


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