forgetfulness potion

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Regulus was not too thrilled with the fact that he ended up having to share a dorm with the two boys he had met on the boats over, as well as two other boys - one named LeStrange and one named Carrow. They never introduced themselves properly to him, so he didn't know them by their first names for a while.

"I can't believe you just walked out of the Great Hall!" Barty Crouch Jr. had exclaimed on the morning of their first classes. He seemed overjoyed at the idea of this, like he was such a rebel or someone to be revered.

Regulus didn't see the big deal, and hardly indulged in him.

"Did you get in any trouble? Did we get any house points taken away?" he had asked the small boy as they were getting ready, each of them standing in front of a mirror - except for Regulus - to tie their green and silver neckties.

"I had to talk to Professor Slughorn. Other than that not really," he said with a simple shrug, smoothing down the tie before standing up from the corner of his mattress and brushing off his black slacks.

"Merlin, the Slytherin's are all going to love you," Evan Rosier grinned, struggling a bit more with his tie as they all talked.

"That's likely," Regulus grumbled sarcastically under his breath, grabbing his cloak and fastening it around himself before fixing the cuffs of his white button-down.

None of the boys spoke to him after that. They talked amongst themselves about which classes they had in the morning, but Regulus couldn't have cared less who was in his classes. He just grabbed the textbooks he needed and made his way out of Slytherin house and up to the Great Hall for breakfast.

Regulus had been dreading this moment for the entire morning. So far, he couldn't find anyone besides his cousin who he got on with in Slytherin, and he didn't want to be that one weird kid sitting out from all of his peers. He also didn't want to cling to his cousin and look like he can't handle himself. He fiddled anxiously with his tie the entire time he was walking up the steps, until he heard a familiar, melodic voice calling out for him.

"Regulus! Regulus!"

He turned his head towards one of the many sets of moving staircases (he wasn't quite sure he'd ever get used to that), to see a blonde girl practically hurling herself down the stairs to get to him.

"Pandora!" he said, letting out a sigh of relief. In his rush to get away from anyone and everyone in the castle after his sorting, he had forgotten to find Pandora and ask what her house was. Though, the blue and bronze patch on her cloak, and her blue and bronze necktie, silently answered his question.

"I'm sorry you got sorted into Slytherin. If it's any consolation, I think you'll be a lovely addition to Slytherin. Your family never let down that house before. While they were in there, of course," she said with a happy smile,

Regulus raised an eyebrow slightly at her comments, not really sure how to take her words before deciding it was too difficult to even try to be upset with someone whose voice rivaled the sweetness of treacle tart and honey.

"Uhm... thank you," he mustered out, his hands falling from his necktie to his sides. "Do you know what your first class is for the day?" he asked, not sure how else he was supposed to keep a conversation going with her.

She smiled and nodded, holding up a potions textbook. "Potions, with Professor Slughorn. Everyone says you already know him quite well," she commented, her light voice fluttering through the nearly empty hallway,

Regulus smiled ever so slightly - you probably wouldn't think it was actually a smile, considering how faint the quirk of his lip was, but he smiled nonetheless. "I have Potions first, too," he said, patting one of the deep pockets of his cloak where he had shoved the thin book earlier.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2021 ⏰

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