Chapter 2

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A/N so i hope you Guys like this chapter so let's get it started!

Me: WE HAVE DARES! And I'm probably going to die

Mari: why?

Me: you will see I promise

Me: OKEY FIRST Robin you need too wear Starfires clothes *start laugh*

Robin: WHAT!

Me: and the dare was from Mari sooooo Mari run

*mari run*

Robin: I'm not going to wear Starfires clothes

Starfire: why not friend Robin isn't my clothes the nice?

Robin: Star your clothes are nice but it's for girls not boys

Me: if you don't do it I will tell everyone who batman is>:)


Me: because I'm AWSOME so get in Starfires clothes now boy blunder

*robin change to Starfires clothes*

Everyone except Robin: HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA(raven only smiles)


Mari: yes it is

Me: I have a dare for bb and raven.........YOU HAVE TOO KISS!

Raven: WHAT?!

Bb: yes!

Raven: what did you say beast boy?

Bb: nothing

*bb kiss raven and she kiss back*

Me: BBRAE FOREVER! *faint*

Cy: so no dares for me ;(

Mari: sorry cyborg, and Lizz just faint and there is no more dares so I will see you next time-

Bb: BYE!

Mari: Hey I was going to say that! Anyway I will see you bye!

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