Zuma saves Kyle

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With Zuma...

Zuma was walking through town all by himself.

Zuma: Summer. My favorite season. I didn't know that Summer was Kyle's favorite season too.

But then, Zuma saw a tree with a shrunken down Kyle on the branch.

Zuma: Kyle!

Kyle FKZF: Zuma!

Zuma: What happened to you?! And how'd you get up there?

Kyle FKZF: I was sitting on this branch and someone shrank me.

Zuma: Kyle, jump down! I'll catch you!

Kyle FKZF: I don't wanna jump. It's a high drop.

But then, Kyle slipped and fell off the tree branch.

Kyle FKZF: Aaahhhhh!

Zuma: Kyle!

Zuma ran to where Kyle is gonna land and caught him on his back.

Kyle FKZF: Oof!

Zuma: Are you okay, Ky?

Kyle FKZF: Ooooo!

Kyle started feeling how soft Zuma's brown fur is.

Zuma: Kyle, what are you doing? That feels good.

Kyle FKZF: Your fur is soo soft.

Zuma: Do you want me to give you a ride back to the Lookout?

Kyle FKZF: Sure, I've always wanted to ride on a puppy.

Kyle then sat on Zuma's furry back and Zuma started running back to the Lookout.

As Zuma got onto the bay bridge, Kyle stands up on Zuma's back and was trying to keep his balance, but he started hanging onto Zuma's tail, but he couldn't hold onto it for long and he started sticking onto his butt. Zuma felt it and he stopped running.

Zuma: Ah! Kyle! Get off my butt!

Kyle FKZF: (Muffled) I can't! This is disgusting!

Kyle FKZF: Mmmmpphhh!! Mmmmpphhh!! Mmmmpphhh!! Mmmmpphhh!!!

Kyle FKZF: (Muffled) I can't breathe!

Kyle started to lose his consciousness because he's stuck in a Chocolate Laborator Retriever's butt facing at it.

Zuma: Kyle, don't pass out on me!

Kyle slid down Zuma's butt and lost his consciousness.

Zuma: (Gasp) Kyle!

Zuma leaned his head down near Kyle.

Zuma: Kyle. Kyle. Kyle, are you alright? Talk to me.

Zuma then thought about bringing Kyle home in his mouth.

Zuma: I know that carrying him home in my mouth is gonna be gross, but I'll need to bring him home like that.

Zuma then licked up Kyle and ate him. Kyle was inside the Chocolate Laborator's mouth laying on his tongue.

Zuma: Just sleep on my tongue, Kyle. I'll take care of you.

Zuma then carried Kyle in his mouth back to the Lookout and after some time, he arrived and Zuma leaned his head down near the ground and opened his mouth and Kyle slid down his tongue out of his mouth.

Zuma: Hold on, Ky. I'll do CPR on you.

Zuma then pressed on Kyle's stomach with his nose 5 times, and he gave him mouth to mouth and did one breath, two breaths and repeats it 6 times and Kyle coughed and regained consciousness.

Kyle FKZF: (Cough x3) Aw! I got Chocolate Laborator taste in my mouth.

Kyle then faced Zuma.

Kyle FKZF: Zuma, is that you?

Zuma: Yes.

Kyle FKZF: Where was I sleeping in? I was on something really soft and smelled your breath.

Zuma: You were sleeping on my tongue inside my mouth.

Kyle FKZF: Really? I can't believe I was unconscious inside a pup's mouth. Let me see the inside.

Zuma then leaned his head down near the ground and opened up his mouth, allowing Kyle to peak inside.

Kyle FKZF: Ew. Gross. Your tongue and uvula is big.

Zuma breathes on Kyle.

Kyle FKZF: Aw my god. That is bad breath.

Zuma then licked Kyle 3 times.

Kyle FKZF: Yuck! I just got licked by a pup's big tongue.

But then, Kyle grew back to his original size.

Kyle FKZF: (Gasp) Yes! I'm back to my original size again!

Zuma howled in excitement.

Kyle and Zuma went to watch the sunset on a cliff.

Zuma: What a beautiful sunset.

Kyle FKZF: Yeah.

Kyle then pulled Zuma towards him and kissed him on the mouth.

Zuma: Mmmmm! MmmmmmmmmMmmmmmmmm!

Zuma started to blush red when he was getting a love feeling from Kyle as he was kissing him. Rocky saw it from a few feet away.

Rocky: Awww!

The End.

Zuma saves KyleWhere stories live. Discover now