Chapter 3

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-(NARRATOR) Dream, Sapnap, George, and y/n decided to head to L'Manburg so that Dream could tell something to them. It was part of the plan.

-(DREAM POV) "Come on guys! Let's go! We have got to get there soon!" I said, gesturing towards L'Manburg. "Ok, Ok." Sapnap replied, kind of glaring at me and then looking back at my sister. I glared at him and turned back, deciding to talk with George. "So," I say, startling him. "We'll be at L,Manburg pretty soon." I say, and see him looking at me and responding. "Yeah. Let's hope they don't hurt us." "I won't let anyone hurt you-" I say, before I get cut off by y/n and Sapnap. "Aww is Dreamy Weamy gonna prowtect his boyfwiend." Sapnap teases. " 'I won't let anyone hurt you' my little Georgie." y/n said, before bursting into laughter.

-(Y/N POV) When we got to L'Manburg I put my hood up on my sweatshirt; I was embarrassed. I didn't want them to see me. I didn't want Dream to hurt them because they would try to sneak me in. I thought about how I had just teased Dream, that was the first time I had laughed with him for awhile. It felt good. I heard Wilbur ask Dream what he was doing and he responded, "I want to talk to everyone, have them come here. Wilbur gathered everyone around and told everyone to not attack. Tommy, especially, wanted to kill him but Wil said no. I just kept my head down hoping that no one would recognize me. It was working so far. "Hey. y/n. Can we talk for a moment?" Sapnap whispered into my ear. "Sure, one second though. I wanna hear what he's saying." I responded. "I WANT TO SEE WHITE FLAGS, OUTSIDE YOUR BASE, BY TOMORROW, AT DAWN, OR YOU ARE DEAD!" "Do I shoot" Tommy said, continuing. "Wil, or do I aim for the skies...? "Tommy, I... I want you to do whatever your heart says you should do." Wilbur responds.[all credit to google I don't know most of this part of lore]. (He decides or whatever I don't really know..sorry :( ) "Ok Sapnap, I'm ready, what did you want to talk to me about?" I say, seeing that he was staring directly at me. "Hm? Oh yeah! Sure! This way." Sapnap says, escorting me out of the erupting chaos. "I wanted to talk to you about what side you were on.. I know you have friends on the L'Manburg side, but if you had the choice to choose, which side?" Sapnap says, shocking me. I had no idea that he would even ask me this. "Well.." I say, "I don't really like choosing sides. I think that if all you choose is sides, there will just be chaos. I think that you should choose friends first, not sides." as I say that, a feeling of relief seems to come across me. I had needed to get that out for a while. I had just realized that I can trust Sapnap more than I can trust, well.. anyone! Dream is my brother and well, sibling things. George is always too busy doing something with Dream, but Sapnap never is! He actually understands that people need to talk to other people.

-(SAPNAP POV) I could tell that y/n was happy and couldn't figure out why. That's when I realized she couldn't trust anyone else. I was someone she could actually trust. I felt happy about that. I knew that there was chaos erupting above, but I decided to just hang out with y/n. I knew she probably hasn't had this in a while.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2021 ⏰

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