1. First day of school for cassada

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Cole's POV

There. He's right there. All the other way on the other side of the classroom. I guess that's a good thing considering I've had these feeling for him since last year. It's the first day of 8th grade and I was not expecting to see Jackson walk in MY homeroom. Well our home room.
"yoo Cole, got Mr. Taylor's home room too!" I heard Ben yell as he walked in at sat beside me.
"You know it." I say back trying to get Jackson out of my head as he talks to this guy with a purple mullet.
As the rest of my friends and classmates walk in I think about what everyone would say or do if I acted on my feelings for this guy.
"Welcome class. I'm your homeroom and science teacher, Mr. Taylor. I have a few rules that are simply and probably new to you all" says our teachers in a very loud voice as he walks in.

As the first day slugs through all on can think about is going home. It all sucked sucked so bad. After 7th we have to go back to home room. There I see him with that guy with the purple mullet again. I walk over to the corner where Ben and Kevin are.
" Hey Cole, dab me up" Kev says as we walk towards each other.

"Hey, Kev. How your day been "

"Crappy dude"

"Same "

As I wait for the bus dismissal I look over at Jackson and see him talking to Allie, they seem to be enjoying each other. I feel this swelling in my chest. Like a pained feeling.

" All shuttle buses are dismissed. I repeat, all shuttle buses are dismissed" I hear over the loud speaker.

Me and Ben walk to our buses and go our separate ways. Once I'm on the bus I sit in the middle but closer to the back. I go on my phone and remember that my mom was in a bad mood this morning.

"Fuck mom is gonna be in a horrible mood and I won't be able to do what I need to do." I whisper under my breath.

When the bus stops at my house I sluggishly step of and walk up my drive way. I open the door and hear my mom's tv blasting from her bedroom. I put my stuff down and walk to her room, when I get there I clean up her room a bit, while covering her up with her blanket and turned her TV down. I walk to the kitchen to make myself something and go to my room. I lock the door at sit down at my desk and think about my shitty day and shitty life. I can't wait for football season i thought. I hear dad's pick-up pull in and the car door slam. I listen as he pulls his boots of.

" Cole, buddy. I'm home. I'm really tired tho so I'm going to head to bed. There's food and drinks in the fridge, son. I hope you had a great day" he yelled while he stomped to his and mom's room.

Today has been shit. Total shit. I really hope it goes better tomorrow I thought as I got my sleeping close on and headed to bed super early.

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