2. casada"s first day

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School. It's a shit show. It's a prison for me. I would prefer to be home, away from people. Away from him. I'm not a bad person. I'm just scared to understand my feelings. As I walk into my new home room for the school year I look around, there's about five people here.

"Hey. Jackson what up" Angelo says as he sees me.

His hair is purple. A purple mullet. I don't know what was going through his head when he did it but I actually kinda like it. Not that I would tell him that.

"What's with the hair, dude. It looks like crap." I asked.

"I fucked up,ok. It was supposed to be blue but it turned purple" he stared

Just then I hear Ben yell, " yoo, Cole got Mr. Taylor's home room too.

"You know it " Cole says back.

Cole is a very wonderful guy. He's a close friend. Yes just a friend but I maybe want him to be more. I don't know.

"Alright class. I'm Mr. Taylor and I'll be your home room and science teacher." The man says. " after your 7th period Com back here, you don't wait in your last period like you did last year"

He continues to go on about rules and stuff different then last year. I look around and see people I've known since last year except for a girl sitting near the board. She has dark curly hair that is thrown into a messy ponytail, and a black mask on. She looks kinda scared but I would be too if I was knew.

*skip to 5th period*

I walk into a class room. It's hot as fuck in here and the seats are so packed together. It looks like a fucking mess in here.

"Alright,  everyone take a seat. I know they're all messed up but just find one" our teacher yells. I can just tell she's gonna be a whole ass karen.  "I'm your ELA teacher,  Mrs. Board. Or dr. Board . Whatever you feel comfortable with."

The girl with the messy ponytail sits right in front of me. She gets on her phone Which is covered in anime stickers. Oh great. She's one of those people. I sigh and sit father back in my chair.

*another skip brought to you by ur mom*

After 7th period I walk back to home room and see Cole staring at me from across the room. I make eye contact and he looks away and continues to talk to Kevin. Which is fine because Allie walks up to me.

"Yoo, jackson. How did you day go"

" honesty, shit" I say back.

"Same tho." She said, " ayyy its Belle."

She walks up to that girl from 1st and 5th.

"Heyy allies"  she says

"Sup girl.your make up looks wonderful" Allie compliments

"Thanks bestie" Belle says

"All Shuttle buses are dismissed.  I repeat all shuttle buses are dismissed. " I hear over the intercom  "shit gotta go," Allie says.

I grant he foot ball and pass it with t.j. "Jackson casada" I hear over the radio. "Gotta go" I tell t.j and Aidan. I walk out of the class room, down the halls and outside where everyone else is waiting for they're car to pull up. I look over and see tons of students walk out and get on they're home bus. Belle walks out and stands near the tree. I walk up to her.

"Hey belle."

"Hey Jackson. How did your day go"

"Pretty tiring."


I see my papaws truck pull up so I walk to it and climb in.

"How was you day, little man." He asked ass we pull out off school.

"Pretty well. Kinda tiring but it was fun" I stated

*time skip to later that night*

I heard my mom's car pull up so I left my room to go get her food
"Hey momma. How was your day." I asked.
"Honestly, it was better then yesterday so it was amazing," she said with a laugh, "how was your first day of school?"
"I met a few new people. Hopefully I can be friends with them" I told her. "I got Mr. Taylor for home room so this year will be eventful" I said.
"Thats amazing. But it's getting late so I'm going to head to bed and you should do the same" she said as she got up and kissed my forehead.
I looked at the clock on the stove and saw it read 10:47pm.
"Your right. I'll clean the table of and go to bed" I told her so she didn't have to do more work then she already does.
"Alright. Thank you and good night" I heard her scream as she walked into her room and closed the door.
I put the dishes in the sink telling myself I would do them tomorrow after school knowing that was probably a lie. I went to my room and got my PJs on and flopped in bed. I am not looking forward to tomorrow. It's gonna suck ass.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2022 ⏰

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