New family

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I can't believe it

My family, dead

My friends, dead

Everyone that I love, dead

The only thing I could do is keep walking. The enforcers killed my mom right in front of me only, they didn't see me because I was hiding. I kept walking until I saw someone in the distance and froze

It might be another enforcer here to kill me. But it might be help, no. I couldn't move until I saw who it was, it was a man with two children. The one with pink hair looked around my age and the one with blue hair looked way younger. The man held out his hand for me and I hesitantly accepted

A few weeks later we were settling into our new home. I learned that vi is my age and powder is only a couple years younger than us. I would mostly spend my time boxing with Vi and helping powder on her machines. Mylo flirts with me a lot but I put him down everytime. Claggor is such a sweetheart, I love him so much like a brother

Things were good. I loved my new family

~just some vi flirting with y/n ahead~

We were jumping from roof to roof on our way to Babette's club, obviously she doesn't know but we were curious. We snuck in after a few people and looked around the place

"Wow people do some messed up stuff" I laughed and vi smiled
"Hey, this is the place everyone can let their darkest secret out" she grabbed my hand and we ran to an empty room after hearing footsteps

Vi had her back to the wall and my back was out to her. I peaked over the corner and saw that they were gone

"They're gone" I turned to vi and she was pink
"Oh my god are you ok" I put my hand to her forehead and cheek
"Yeah" she chuckled a little

She moved my hand
"We better look around before they close" we started walking and as a random person was passing they eyed me up and down
"Ew, creep" I gripped the arm sleeve
"Hey, I'm with you. I'll beat his ass if I have to" she grabbed my cheek
"Thank you Vi" I smiled in her hand

Suddenly Vi smirked. She leaned in and whispered in my ear

"Anything for you baby girl" I started blushing A LOT. She backed away from my ear but was still close to my face. I reached up and held her cheek, we were both making eye contact

We both lean in slowly until we heard someone coming
"Shit, Vi someone's coming" I whispered

She grabbed my arm and we hid behind one of the fancy couches they have. Someone came in and yikes, I've heard about kinks but goddamn. While they were doing whatever they were doing I was trying not to laugh. I opened my eyes and Vi was looking at me smiling

I smiled back at her and she started coming towards me. She got closer and closer until our faces were inches apart

"Let's get out of here before vander suspects something" she said quietly, I kept looking at her eyes then lips
"Yes ma'am" I smirked looking up at her

We quietly snuck out of there and was on our way home. We got home and went to our bedroom with the rest of the kids

"There you two are, you aren't trying to steal my beautiful y/n from me right?" He asked putting an arm around my waist

Vi looked kind of mad
"Pfft me and y/n here just got back from having a little fun together" Vi winked at me and mylo and claggor both had their mouths open

"Ahh just deny, deny, deny" Vi circled around me

Mylo grabbed me and sat me on the couch with him. He laid me down and laid on top of my stomach. This isn't new seeing how he does this everytime he's tired or sad. Since he stopped bullying powder so much I let him

I stroked his hair since he would ask me to do it all the time. I looked at Vi and she was in a corner seat with one leg crossed and looking like she's about to kill me or mylo. I couldn't help but stare, she's beautiful and hot no matter what she does

Vi noticed and smiled. She mouthed something but I couldn't make it out, I mouthed
"What?" She shook her head and laughed
"Nothing" is what she mouthed back. I looked at her confused

Mylo shifted around so I had to move a bit
"Hey claggor, did powder fix the TV?" Just imagine a TV is there
"Yeah, what do you want to watch?" He asked
"Hmm I don't know, you can just put on whatever you want" I was kind of tired
"Alright, powder what do you want to watch?" I swear he's the sweetest person you could have as a brother
"101 Dalmatians" cute
"I actually love that cartoon" I said playing with mylo's hair

After the movie ends everyone is tired
"Hey claggor, can you take him to his bed? He's crushing me" I said breathing a little heavy

He picked him up
"Thank you" I smiled and claggor, mylo, and powder went to bed

I don't know where Vi's at right now. I get up and change into night clothes, grab a blanket, and lay back down. As I'm about to fall asleep, I feel someone climbing on the couch with me. I look up and it's Vi

"Hey vi. What are you doing?" I ask tiredly
"Well if mylo gets to cuddle up to you, why can't I?" She hugs my waist and lays her head down on my chest

I gently played with her hair and the other hand was on her back rubbing it. Soon Vi fell asleep and I took it as my time to get some sleep

this is a sucky first chapter I know but if you don't know arcane, it is on Netflix, it has hot people all throughout the show, and I love the characters

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