Ch.1: Near Death Experience

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It was a dismal night on a mountain, as a human Katherine lay injured by a river, as a snowstorm blew through. After having gotten the cure shoved down her throat, she'd gone to live here to hide from any enemies, having nowhere else to go other than Walt's town. After all, she had enemies everywhere. If word got out that she was a human, she couldn't protect herself anymore. She just didn't think she'd run across anyone else there. She'd been able to take care of the person, but now she was injured by the river. She could only hope for someone to find her in time. She knew being injured in the middle of a snowstorm wasn't a good combination. She also knew it wasn't a good idea right now for her to try and move.

Meanwhile, Damon was searching for Katherine. A little while after he and Elena had broken up, he'd gone out looking for her, having a feeling that he should go make sure that she was okay. She was human, after all. He knew without protection that she wouldn't be all that great as a human. Especially, when she had a lot of enemies. Despite his actions and words against her in the past, he didn't want anything bad to happen to her. Her being turned human was kind of amusing, but it wouldn't be if she ended up hurt or worst. He'd been searching for her for months, no sign, so he decided to try something. Knowing Katherine, she'd want to be somewhere where no one could find her unless they knew her as well as he did. What better location than the middle of nowhere?

After a long while of looking for her, the snowstorm finally ceased. Then, soon after, he finally spotted her. Despite not seeing her fully, he always knew when it was her.

"Katherine," he said, as he headed down a slope towards the river. Then, once he was knelt by her, he gently pulled her into his arms. That's when he smelled blood. Then he saw her injury. He could tell that she was still alive, but she was pale from either the weather or the blood loss or both. He then got to his feet and headed towards his car.

After a long while of walking, he found his car and got in, once he'd gotten her in the passenger seat, a towel from his bag in the back on her wound. Then, once the heat was on, he began driving for the closest place that might have a hospital. With the cure in her, he didn't know if she could digest vampire blood, so he wasn't going to take a chance.

"Katherine?" he called, when he saw that she was semi waking up.

"Where are we going?" she inquired.

"The closest hospital," he informed her.

"Take me to Absaroka County. There's a hospital there," she instructed and informed him.

Despite her being injured the way she was, he knew better than to argue. He was sure whatever Absaroka County had to offer, there was more to just the hospital there. He knew her all too well. She didn't go to the middle of nowhere or some small town for no reason.

When Katherine woke up again, she was in the hospital, taken care of. She saw that Damon was also seated on her bedside. She knew that he obviously had been waiting for her to wake up. And she knew she was lucky to have survived long enough for him to get her here. Then she and Damon saw someone at the threshold of the room.

She gave a smile, before sitting up.

"It's been a while, Walt," she commented to him.

"About four years. I thought I'd just stop by and make sure you're okay. I heard they brought you in," he replied.

"Yes, well, I had other things to do, rather than stay under the radar. Although, I'm kinda gonna have to start doing that again. But, you know, if there's anything you need, I'll always be here if you need me. I'll probably be at a hotel or something once I get out of here with Damon here," she explained and replied.

"I should probably go, but I'll see you around," the sheriff replied, before leaving.

"Don't ask," she told Damon, before he could say a thing. "Walt and I had a little something when I was a vampire. Before I came back. Walt is old-fashioned, but he's probably the only sheriff I trust. We had each other's backs, considering there are very few deputies here, so he's always needing some kind of backup," she then explained.

He didn't have much to say to that, since he knew that Katherine had always been the kind of vampire to be with multiple people. It seemed that she didn't mind this town, though. And if something ever happened to him, she had the sheriff for some kind of protection. He was glad about that.

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