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"I HAVE...RICHES!" Fawful cackled.  

He continued to giggle maniacally as he stuffed his bags full of jewelry, diamonds, and other precious stones. All around him, the employees and shoppers of Chaos Emerald Diamond Supply watched apprehensively as Fawful filled his pockets- they were all tied up, of course, and had been since he'd held up the joint fifteen minutes ago. The only person not tied and gagged was a white Yoshi manning the counter- the poor guy was currently stuffing every spare dollar bill he could into a separate bag for Fawful, under the threat of stern consequences if he didn't comply. 

Fawful finished emptying one display case and shuffled over to another, planting a sticky bomb on the side and blowing the reinforced glass before plunging his hands inside and grabbing the riches within. He cackled again as he filled his hands will jewels- gems and precious stones always made him giddy.

Once the second display case was bare, he moved to the next. A family of Cappies flinched and moved as far away as they could as he passed by. He paused and grinned down at them. 

"Yes," he said, displaying his huge, blindingly white set of teeth. "Be cowering and trembling in fear of Fawful's awesomeness! His boundless awesomeness, that is like the endless ranch dressing on the salad of- " 


A blaring noise sounded, interrupting his culinary simile. 

Fawful glanced up at the ceiling, towards the red light flashing near the exit sign. An alarm! It was time to go. He looked sadly at the other jewelry cases within the store, each of them filled to the brim with precious jewels and expensive regalia. So many gems still there, calling to him, just waiting to be snatched... he looked back and forth from the jewelry to the flashing red lights, sweat pouring down his face.  

"Rrg... Must...have...RICHES!" he squealed. Not bothering with the sticky bomb, he pulled a hammer out of his cloak and smashed open the jewelry case, giggling as he snatched the jewels from inside.  

He was still stuffing his pack with jewelry when the front door of the jewelry shop was kicked open, making Fawful flinch. He turned to see that a policewoman stood in the threshold of the door. Two enormous orange dogs flanked her, snarling and bristling at the sight of Fawful. 

"All right, Fawful," Officer Jenny snapped. "That's quite enough! Put your hands up!" 

Fawful gazed at her in amazement. How could this be? He'd been certain that no one had followed him on the way here. "How did you know that Fawful would be here?" he demanded. "Fawful is sneaky! Very sneaky!" 

"Fawful is a doofus," Officer Jenny said, planting gloved hands on her hips. "This is the place you hit the last 66 times you broke out of prison. Now are you going to come quietly? Or do I have to get ugly?" 

"Fawful should be asking you that!" Fawful pressed a button on the strap of his bookbag, and rocket jutted out of his backpad, roaring with flame as it prepared to take off. "Fawful refuses to give in to the police!" 

"Ugh, enough with the third-person dialogue!" Officer Jenny blew her police whistle and turned to her two Pokémon. "Arcanines! Take down that villain!" 

"Woof!" The fire-type Pokémon leapt into action, jumping across the floor towards Fawful. With a squeal, Fawful jetted upwards, narrowly avoiding a Bite attack, but the second Archanine's Slash clipped his foot, sending him spinning down towards the floor. He collided with the tile with an oof! and flopped down onto his back. 

"Good job!" Officer Jenny shouted. "Now, Arcanines, use Fire Blast!" 

Fawful scrambled to his feet. "Fire Blast?" he cried in incredulity. "Have you no mercy for Fawful?" 

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