After an Arguement

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I was trying to get home but the rain suddenly poured, my phone screen went blank as my phone was dead.
I was stuck in this heavy rain.
I saw a car coming towards me.
I asked the driver for a lift.
Thanks to the driver at last i finally made it home. I was all tensed up as i wanted to call my husband, Sandro. who must be already at home.
I asked the driver to increase the speed.
Within some time you reached my home. I grabbed my belongings and rushed

I stepped inside the house just to see all the lights dimmed. The aura made me shiver.I switch the lights on only to see an angry Sandro facing his phone.
"Where were you?" he said, trying not to burst out in anger

"I act-ually-" you flinched as you heard him yell

"will you stop stuttering" he almost made my tears come out

"I was stuck" I said in a whisper tone

"stuck while having a one night stand with
some men" I never expected him to say something like this.

I couldn't hold your tears anymore
"Paano, how could you think of me in this way" i said directly staring in his eyes with my watery one

"Wow sa tingin mo ba magiging masaya ako kung yung misis ko coming home late and giving some damn excuses. Why would you care? an arranged marriage lang naman ito"he yelled

I couldn't understand a single thing everything just went blank. I overworked myself because i wanted his meeting with the other company to go well and here
he is yelling at me
"you can think whatever you want and yes this is an arranged marriage.Tanga ng kung tanga ako para iaccept this marriage to the person who only knows to point a finger at his wife. Tanga rin ako kasi mahal na kita at pinagkakatiwalaan kita"
I vented all my stress at him and just walked away to our bedroom.

My words choked him up
"Mahal niya ako"
the words you said came in his mind
He never wanted to say those words but it just left his mouth.He didn't want to go and face you so he tried to do some work due but his mind was only stuck on you. He couldn't do anything so he decided to call his secretary and ask for the meeting that is held tomorrow

"is everything ready for tomorrow?" he asked in

"Mrs.Marcos did all the work for the meeting,She already made your schedule too"
his eyes softened as he turned his head towards the shared bedroom.
He again said,
"anything left for tomorrows meeting?"
"No sir everything is completed thanks to Mrs.Marcos"

he smiled and hung up the call. A little courage, he went to the bedroom.He slowly twisted the doorknob to find you already sleeping peacefully.
You weren't sleeping, more like acting to sleep. He came near you and lay down beside you.He regrets everything he said. It was rainingheavily.You were flinching whenever you heard the lighting.

But i tried my best to stay calm because i didn't want Sandro to think something
especially that you can't do anything without him. That is true but I didn't want Sandro to know that after the argument.I wrapped myself with the blanket around and tried to sleep but that didn't help much. Only sandro could give mr the warmth i wanted.
Tears streaming down my face, Sandro couldn't see it because my back was facing him. He tried to hug me to come closer to  but always backed up

I caught his hands tightly.
I was a mess right now messy hair tears
streaming non stop
Sandro hugged me as fast as he could "I'm Sorry" you both said at the same time

You both smile
"I'll make it up to you" he whispered into my ear and cuddled until the daylight

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