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"Y/n, please serve this to table number three!"

"Yes grandpa!"

You immediately put the last plate on the shelf and wiped your wet hands. Then you took the dish and served it to the customer who ordered it.

You walked back to your workstation and took note of the orders that had been served. Finally your last customer order was done and you could relax a bit before going home. It was still 6 pm but your shift was already over.

Working in an old man's small restaurant, "Uncle John Seafood", was the reason you moved to Airlie Beach. The old man whom you considered as your grandpa used to play with you when you were a little kid. However, he moved to Australia with his wife and opened a seafood restaurant.

Even though the restaurant was small, it was always full of customers. This restaurant had been running for twenty years and could be said as a legend. You were grateful for deciding to work at this place.

You took your phone, checked if there was an incoming text. A little sad laugh out of your mouth as you remembered that no one would send you a text anyway. You didn't have anyone anymore.

"You haven't been able to move on from that man, right?"

You gasped in surprise when your grandpa stood behind you, looking at your phone's lock screen which was a photo of that man.

"I don't know, Grandpa. I've always loved him, but he's been-"

"Hey, listen to me, Y/n."

Your grandpa took a chair and sat across from you. He then took out an old pendant from his pocket, a heart-shaped pendant that could be opened with a photo inside.

"Y/n, men are often reckless and lose their way. Yes, we are always full of logic, but believe me, a good man will be loyal to a good woman who keeps us from going astray. No, she wouldn't realise. We are the ones who realise it, just as you women are aware of what the man you love is like.

Like your grandma. Maybe she didn't realise she was leading me. Your grandma always warned me when I was starting to go the wrong way. And when I went the wrong way, she would stay by my side, encouraging me to get up. Until she died, even until I let her go and moved on with my life, I didn't even intend to marry another woman to find a new home. For me, this restaurant, the restaurant we built together, became my forever home.

Y/n, as his partner, you have the right to ask him anything. You have the right to say what you like and don't like. You have the right to fight for your love. You have the right to fight for him.

You deserve to be happy, okay? Don't be too hard on yourself. One day, I will leave this world. Then who will take care of you?"

Your grandpa's long advice brought you to tears. He knew everything about your story with that man, Chan. But he taught you not to hate him. For some reason, he was always taught to keep loving him. You didn't even know what his reason was.

"Grandpa, thank you. But I know that I will never see him again."

"No matter how far you are, if he is your soulmate, you will meet him again, I'm really sure."

You wiped your tears then nodded to your grandpa. You smiled and then stood up, "Grandpa, can I take a walk on the beach for a while?"

"Of course, but yes, just for a few minutes. Yesterday you fainted again and today you only had a five hour shift but you look really exhausted now."

(✔️) A Journey to Find a Home | Bang ChanDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora